For those who are interested in the final outcome, I simply had to turn up with my truck&trailer, and drive for about 20mins through industrial streets. Had to reverse about 6m in a straight line, and that was the bulk of it. Easy peasy.
Jan 17, 11:06pm
what a joke, the real world of trucking is a damn site harder than that,
Jan 17, 11:11pm
reverse in a straight line! lol. I did my Class 5 test in a syncro Volvo pulling an EMPTY 3 axle skelly trailer probably weighed less than 5 tonne. Reverse test was not required. Road transport industry in fcked.
Jan 18, 1:15am
No doubt there.
Jan 18, 1:52am
Contact AMS. they put you thru what you need. all changed now i did my class 5 while it was still F,L 20 years ago lol
Jan 18, 2:02am
That's bloody scary. If that's the way drivers obtain licences these days it would go a long way to explaining some of the chuckleheads I meet quite often
Jan 18, 2:28am
does doing the test in a syncro box truck allow you to drive a road ranger in this country !
Jan 18, 2:36am
Yep. Not many of the new drivers could handle a Roadranger let alone a Trader or Austin crash box. Still a few artests out there who can row a Roadranger but just about a dieing breed
Jan 18, 2:37am
. if ya cant handle a road ranger or learn it may as well stay home.i learnt with the old british crash box,s 9 sped hook box roadranger,s 10, 15 speeds many moons ago lol
Jan 18, 2:42am
give me my roady any day,,
Jan 18, 2:43am
Me as well. Traders, Austins, Commer Knockers, Bedfords then up to Roadrangers. Learnt the art of double clutching and shifting without a clutch. Still enjoy getting behind the wheel of something Roadranger equipped for a bit of a drive.
Jan 18, 2:45am
the old double box plus eaton diff, effectivelly 3 stage 5 speed,in a 90 hp banger, the old 410 cummins ,,15 sp rr 8 wheeler are like luxury,
Jan 18, 2:52am
D series2418 6 spd with eaton 2 spd first truck i learnt in along with mastiff. 510 perkins and 10 spd RR
Jan 18, 2:55am
was just curious , I prefer a road ranger myself but in perth where i have just returned from you sit your test in a full syncro and thats all you can drive hence why i was asking . a little like auto versus manual car licence . should be manual or nothing
Jan 18, 2:58am
had a young guy the other day wanting a driveing job;;;alas got frightenened when presented with a rr15,,,didnt know where to start even,,,havent seen him since
Nov 13, 10:16pm
Can anybody tell me what I could expect a class 5 practical test done through VTNZ would entail! Would be done in truck + full trailer. TIA.
Nov 14, 12:53am
Nov 14, 12:55am
VT dont do licences do they !
Nov 14, 12:55am
Oh test i meant,lol.
Nov 14, 1:01am
They do indeed.
Nov 14, 1:03am
Gawd they struggle to do a wof properly,good luck with your licence.
Nov 14, 1:08am
Unfortunately, they are the only licensing agents around here capable of a class 5, unless I go down the route of a driving course.
Nov 14, 1:40am
Have you had much practice backing a full trailer! You will need to demonstrate you can do this, if anything like mine he will take you to a low traffic country road and do a reversing U turn at a T intersection and go back the way you came, dont stress if cars are waiting I think your reaction is part of the test. He will take you into VERY tight corners where you need to cross into oncomming traffic to make the turn, look in you mirrors alot, cheack your gauges occasionaly, know how to do a prestart cheack. You need to show you know what all the cards in the windowscreen mean like GVM,GCM, ect ect, all the cert tags for tiedowns and tow couplings, correct method for tieing down loads, how the tiedowns are load rated, depending on how they are used and type of tiedown, ect, ect.The truck loading code is a good reference book for this info. Alot of this info was probably required for your class 4. Its been 10years since I did mine, so prob forgotten some things I was tested on, but it probably hasnt changed much, I went through a priviate instructor with our own truck supplyed it wouldnt be much differnt from VTNZ tho.
Nov 14, 10:03am
Stuff all practice, but definitely something I intend to change. My Class 4 was done through the AA, and it was pathetic. Most difficult thing I had to do there was a hill start. My class 2 however was done through a school, and all the prestarts, loading etc etc was done in detail there.
Nov 14, 3:38pm
When I did mine,also had to un hook trailer in right sequence drive off, then come back and pick it up again. Just be smooth, cautious and aware of the enviroment and conditions your driving in. My first lesson out was a disaster. I stalled a loaded Volvo F12 going up one of the hills in the 50km zone (trying to work out the gears) .After much abuse and clipboard waving from instructor. I felt like giving up and sticking with the class 4. Second lesson went well and nailed the test next time out.
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