2003 Camry; lights occaisionally flicker, Im told it will be in the unit behind the steering wheel and air bag, and is a tricky job. $483 for a new unit (whats the point of getting second hand and having the same problem in 3 months) $725 installed all up ! Should a handyman attempt to take this thing apart and give it a blow out and lube !
Oct 6, 6:04pm
Both headlamps or just one!
Oct 6, 6:06pm
And "it will be" or "it is"! Who told you!
Oct 6, 6:25pm
Both headlights. My wife said it did it when she turned on the indicator. I turned the lights on without the motor running the next day and they flashed on and off a couple of times, but they seem to have settled down again. We dont go out much at night so will head out tonight to give it a test.
My local garage who have been good in the past said they do auto electrics as well, so I took it there. He said "it will be" as he had run tests else where (sorry not sure where) but of course know one gives you a gaurantee. He said easier hence cheaper to replace the unit; but at $483 for a new unit, I think this world is geared for 'easier'.
Im really tempted to get in there myself, but friggin air bag puts a doubt in my mind. My biggest job previous to this was replacing the back 3 platinum plugs on my 93 Galant
Oct 6, 6:30pm
OK, unless you have 101% confidence in what you're doing, don't go near the air bag. On another note, you can check the battery terminals, make sure they are clean (not just on the outside) and tight.
Oct 6, 6:31pm
I suppose I can live without the air bag if I blow it :-O
But as long as nothing else is dependant on the bloody thing.
Oct 6, 6:33pm
Yep, your WOF.
Oct 6, 6:37pm
Possibly, how would Joe Blow at the testing station know !
Oct 6, 6:38pm
For this, you need to contact Toyota. Do not touch it yourself, and until you get an answer, don't get a local (non Toyota) workshop to do the work. Hopefully Toyota will do this repair at no cost:
It's actually quite easy to work with an air bag, you just need some common sense. Like, before you do anything, disconnect the battery. And after removing the air bag, place it in the boot of the car, so no one gets to it, and do not put an Ohm meter across its terminals. Remember that there will be a 'clock spring' (air bag wiring loom, looks like a tape measure) behind the steering wheel, and they usually come off with it as a unit. I don't recommend you doing the job, but if you must, be very careful, if the air bag goes off, it will break your neck.
Oct 6, 6:40pm
From the airbag self-test light not going out.
Oct 6, 6:42pm
Golden mate, bloody beauty !
Oct 6, 6:44pm
Thanks for all the other advice as well. Probably would have been too much risk for me.
Oct 6, 6:47pm
Good luck.That recall notice is a few years old, but they should still honour it.I disagree with them saying in the news article that it's not a safety issue - as far as I'm concerned an issue like that most certainly is a safety issue.
Oct 6, 6:55pm
Yeah, fingers crossed. Ill go down later and see what they have to say. Ill report back. Thanks all.
Oct 6, 7:01pm
The light being illuminated is a dead giveaway.
Oct 7, 2:15am
lol yeah I had a blonde moment.
Never mind Toyota says no problems they will fix it, plus have a look at a fuel line recall / check. Which I didn??
Oct 7, 4:32am
There are a couple of precautions you can take which may help. 1. Disconnect the battery a good hour before working on it. 2. Adult Nappy and a box of baby wipes.
Oct 7, 4:38am
You can reset the airbag light yourself. called playing the drums on a toyota. But don't do it unless you fix the problem causing the issue. I had a windom do it and just reset the light myself after replacing a busted ribbon cable.
Dec 17, 7:08am
They only sell petrol & diesel at my local. No gas. I guess they send the yank cars somewhere else.
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