Fuel Sender Unit Question

trader127, Oct 8, 7:13pm
Ok I realised I can probably squeeze the fuel line connector onto the bigger line, but what about the smaller line! I have only 1 line going out to the carb. Does one need to be blocked either way!

joanie32, Oct 8, 7:17pm
Its probably only a return, in which case I would block it off

thunderbolt, Oct 8, 7:24pm
So it is a sender and pick up all I. One! As mentioned I would guess the bigger one ( approx 8mm id!) would be feed and the smaller one for a return, which you could block off.Do both of them go to the bottom of the tank!

trader127, Oct 8, 8:49pm
Ok thats cool. I think it's just a sender unit, even the seller reckons too (he is selling as a sender unit only). Thats a good idea, I will block the smaller one off, any ideas on what to use to block it off!

jonthefisho, Oct 8, 9:40pm
Ashort piece of hose with a bolt hoseclips

trader127, Dec 19, 4:13am
yeah I thought that too, but I ended up finding some underwater JB Weld, and that seemed to have blocked it off completely! Cheers guys!