Hi I am looking to replace door lock knobs on my 1998 VW Golf, hopefully with something from another vehicle make. Three of the four door knob locks snapped off like they were plastic from the $2 shop. Anyone had the same problem! Thank you in advance for any ideas.
Oct 9, 4:55am
Are they just the push down type!
Oct 9, 7:09am
Yes, the push down type. There doesn't seem to be too much on trademe if I don't want skulls heads or dice.
Oct 9, 1:34pm
Assuming these are round type knobs, measure the outside diameter of the knob where it goes into the hole in the door & the inner of the knob where it screws onto the rod & email Rare Spares Ltd in Chch (attn Craig). They have standard knobs in black or chrome & I am sure they will see what they have & let you know.
Oct 9, 2:32pm
sunflower-your um "knobs" are 13 years old and the nature of golf Central locking means uneducated people try to pull them up against the air pressure. I bet if you just buy some factry ones theyll last another 10 years
Oct 10, 3:37pm
Thanks everyone for the good info, after walking around a car parts yard for an hour, I called the Volkswagen dealer. Replacements were just $2.50 each new and couriered the next day.
Oct 10, 3:40pm
Dont tell jazz the parts are that cheap.
Oct 10, 10:35pm
Impossible. Your VW is European, so surely they'll be at least a hundred dollars each with a waiting time of at least 2 years
Oct 10, 10:59pm
Exactly! Being European they can only import them by sailing ship and your 2 years may be optimistic depending on weather, scurvy and pirates.
Dec 27, 5:42am
You finally get it! About time.
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