Engine Clean / Degreaser What is best!

dingo011, Oct 27, 5:21pm
Hi I have a nasty mess to work with ( changing front sproket on my motor bike ) it is surrounded with chain lube and old oil. What is the best spray on hose off stuff to use!

hatchback, Oct 27, 5:27pm
degreaser from super cheap is excellent

drew2009, Oct 27, 5:31pm
I just buy shitloads of the cheap stuff from supercheap and use heaps of it, its bowt 2-3 bucks a can on special. works a treat.

almosttherenow, Oct 27, 5:35pm
A screw driver and brake cleaner. screw driver to remove large lumps off crud n then flood it with brake cleaner to disolve the left overs and it will run right off. Just dont do it in the lounge coz your mrs wont be impressed with the patch on the carpet.

crzyhrse, Oct 27, 5:59pm
FFS do not use brake cleaner. Not only is it a lot more expensive for no gain, but have you never read the warnings on the can to not let it come into contact with rubber!

dingo011, Oct 27, 6:17pm
Thanks guys. do you leave it on as recommended or longer! I think it will need a couple of doses as quite thick around sprocket etc.

kazbanz, Oct 27, 6:21pm
Dingo --its all much of a muchness. The "cheaper" the product generally the more the propellant.So yea i guess the stuff from super sheep is as good as anything out there on a bang for buck basis.
I do agree with the comment to scrape out as much of the goo as possible with a wide blade screwdriver first BUT before you do just work out if any wires are hiding under all the goop.

the-lada-dude, Oct 27, 7:33pm
use diesel and an old tooth brush v cheap wash off with hose.

dingo011, Oct 27, 8:01pm
Hmmm I might use the wife's toothbrush as the Diesel and grease will make my beer taste funny!

hijacka, Oct 27, 9:25pm
Sure is

johnf_456, Oct 27, 10:09pm
Ditto especially when they have the multi offer specials of 6 for ten etc sort of thing.

m16d, Oct 28, 1:25am
Kerosine or JetA1 is the stuff to use.

howie69, Oct 28, 1:26am
I use the Supersheep stuff all the time. Must be due for a special again soon.

foxdonut, Oct 28, 1:42am
Forget the aerosol - waste of money.

There's a product from the Warehouse I stand by for everything. Its the WD40 of degreasing. I brought up on litres of the shit when it was on sale for five bucks - its Preston (not Prestone) degreaser - lucid red / pink colour. It will clean ANYTHING, and so far hasn't done any damage to paint, rubber, electrics etc.

Comes in a 5 litre tub.

geoff_m, Oct 28, 1:51am
If you have an air compressor (and if not, you need one anyway), get an engine cleaning gun for it and the 4l packs of degreaser from Supercheap. Watch out for their 25%off specials. much cheaper than aerosols and always handy to have

almosttherenow, Oct 28, 1:58am
#5 Nothing on the can I have about rubber! just if it comes in contact with eyes and if its hard to breathe to get to a ventilated area.

afer_daily, Oct 28, 2:02am
like others have daid that super cheap is ok for the money / but dont let the wife catch you cleaning the oven with it

owene, Oct 28, 4:45am
But if you do use a cleaning gun, make sure your neighbours don't have any washing hanging out or kids running round in the garden. Did something like that once and for some reason looked over the fence to note that the neighbours white sheets had all gone grey. Very ugly.

lovemore_mbigi, Oct 28, 1:46pm
Kerosene and a paint brush followed by a garden hose.

the-lada-dude, Jan 13, 8:54pm
kero is good but is much more expensive than diesel, they are almost one of the same thing. and i find after a hose down there is still a slight film of diesel left on the cleaned part that stops it rustingstraight away.