The girlfriends mazda familia has a major leak through to the interior. Identified water running down behind the dash coming out behind the accelerator pedal.
We cleaned out all the vents we could find under bonnet etc lifted the front guard and had a look, nothing obvious. There was some leaf buildup so cleaned that all out, but when it rains heavily there is a solid puddle on the floor.
Has anyone had a similar problem! I cant tell where its running in without removing the whole dash, was consider plugging a tube of silicon as high up as I could but that seems like a last resort!
Nov 17, 8:29am
1. How old is this Mazda Familia! 2. Going by what you're describing, I would say it's leaking from around the windscreen (has it been replaced recently!). 3. Silicon will do SFA, maybe just re route the leak.
Nov 17, 9:44pm
Its a '99 (BJ Hatch). As far as I can tell from putting the hose around the windscreen (hasn't been replaced since she has owned) that isnt the source of the leak, but once the hose is put in under the bonnet against the firewall (drivers side) the water then begins to trickle in. Little bit concerned it could be rust.
Nov 18, 12:13am
wait till tonight - dark, put a torch inside your bonnet - facing the firewall, close it - hop in car and see what light you can see under the dash
Nov 18, 3:31am
Thanks Kiwicon, hadn't thought that logically. Will give it a try tonight.
Nov 18, 4:18am
alternatively fill the car with water and see where it pours out.
Nov 18, 6:13am
i have this happen occassionally but its only a few drips in heavy rain that fall on my acelorator foot. I think its coming in the vents because it only happens when its really windy and raining.
Jun 25, 4:08pm
So it became a pull the interior out job after last weeks rain. Water was coming the seam on the front right corner basically where the firewall panel (inside) meets the right hand side chassis. Right up under the dash. Bought a tube of windscreen sealant and filled up everywhere. Solved! Until test time and its got a similar leak on the other side.yay. Think this one is just a blocked drain down the side and it's filling up and coming in the fresh air intake. Hopefully! Do not want to take the whole dash off
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