Kenwood car stereo locked

toddandjax, Oct 18, 6:29pm
Had some work done on my car recently where they had to disconnect the battery, so I had to re-enter the stereo code - I couldn;t find the code in the handbook etc I was given by the seller so I had a couple of guesses and now it looks like it has locked me out - Annoyingly Ihave since found the correct code on a random bit of paper under the front seat.So I have the right code now, I just can't enter it.

Does anyone know if the stereo is now buggered and I need toget a new one or if there is any way of unlocking it !

It's a Kenwood KDC 5016.

curlcrown, Oct 18, 6:36pm
with all stereos that I know of you just have to wait a predetermind period of time before you can attempt it again.

toddandjax, Oct 18, 7:20pm
thanks - do you know whether the stereo has to be switched on for the whole of that time !

curlcrown, Oct 18, 7:25pm
ignition of in the car I think.

toddandjax, Jan 4, 5:52am
all good now -it's reset itself and I was able to put the code in- all working now.took 24 hours though ! that must be the standard lockout time!
Thanks curlcrown