1998 Familla Stereo Removal!

dasfi, Nov 23, 3:08am
Does the plastic stereo surround thing just all unclip! Cheers, i know how to wire it all up, was just wondering how the surrounds come off

dasfi, Nov 23, 3:20am

jono2912, Nov 23, 4:53am
The surround on the stereo itself, or around the stereo, pockets etc!

n1smo_gtir, Nov 23, 5:25am
depends, without seeing a pic of surrounding, i'd say it usually be 60-80% clipped on followed by 20% screw. most cars i've owned over the decades usually have at least one if not two hidden screws say by where the ash tray is or cup holder etc, once those screw removed you can just carefully unclip.

http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=in-N3HFixVc hope this tutorial is of relevance to you.

richard198, Apr 3, 7:50am
I can't remember but probably two up and under screws. Think like you were designing it!