Painting advice needed please

jaxma, Nov 18, 3:34pm
The bonnet and boot of my car had sun-faded patches on them that wouldn't come up with a cut and polish, so I bought some spray paint in the same colour.On the advice of the shop, I cleaned the car well, then sprayed the paint as evenly as possible over the areas that needed touching up.The areas were left to dry and I've got some cutting compound, which I have put on and given it a good rub.It is not smoothing the paint out, it still feels gritty and sand-papery.Any advice anyone!PS:even with the gritty finish, it's still a lot better than it was :-)

grangies, Nov 18, 5:26pm
Is the paint metallic or solid colour!

jaxma, Nov 18, 7:00pm
Solid charcoal grey

thejazzpianoma, Nov 18, 7:06pm
Sounds like you need to give it a "wet sand" with some very fine sandpaper, at a guess start with 1500 and go to 2000 grit. Use the paper over a cork sanding block and run plenty of water over it as you sand.
Then you can use the cutting compound again and polish to finish. Just bare in mind you are going to wear the paint down so hopefully you have enough coats etc.

There are bound to be some good videos on youtube explaining wet sanding of new paint.

jaxma, Nov 18, 7:10pm
Thank you!I will get another can of the paint and give it another coat before doing any sanding, or it could be a complete waste of time and effort :-)

thejazzpianoma, Nov 18, 7:23pm
Sorry hard to help without seeing exactly what you have and are trying to achieve. Its good fun learning and its not like you are blowing a huge amount of money so good plan I say.

Certainly, if you have technique right you can achieve surprisingly good results with a rattle can and some patience, especially just doing patches as you are. a whole panel is a bit of a challenge with a can!

jaxma, Nov 18, 7:43pm
Hmmmm . Alex from Tauranga . do I know you!

gammelvind, Nov 18, 8:43pm
Wet sand it before you put another coat so you put the next layer onto smooth surface. Then wet sand again with the next coat. To improve the finish get a can of clear for the final coat.

jaxma, Nov 18, 10:50pm
Thankyou :-)I will do that.

thejazzpianoma, Nov 18, 10:54pm
Don't think so!
I have many Fiats, and had a mobile computer business.

jaxma, Nov 18, 11:55pm
No - must be a different Alex!

grangies, Nov 19, 12:28am

Well if your finish feels gritty and sand papery, then you have too must dust contaminants or the paint has been applied too dry.

Being out of a aerosol can, I guess it is acrylic lacquer.

Acrylic lacquer in this warm weather, out of a spray can is really only good for small panels like a letterbox or bottom of a door, or petrol flap etc.

NOT for boots and bonnets through a spray can.

There is just not enough air pressure to push the colour out from an aerosol can.

And to be honest. Even if you had a spray gun and applied it nice and wet. You'll have a nightmare polishing it after 1500grit wet sanding and then trying to hand cut it.

Hand cutting is do-able on small areas. But not large flat sheet-metal panels like a bonnet ot boot etc.

gunhand, Nov 19, 12:34am
Solid charcoal! sounds like it will be more likely a mettelic to me. What you think!
What kind of car!

rob_man, Nov 19, 12:58am
I thought the same but decided to stay out of this one.

grangies, Nov 19, 1:01am
Yes indeed.

As soon as I heard the charcoal word, I was thinking it must be metallic too. Becuase there really aren't any solid charcoal factory colours on vehicles.

I find it hard at times to try and explain the difference between metallic and solid to some people.

Maybe say. Think of it as nail polish.

Is it glittery or flat! LOL.

jaxma, Nov 19, 1:26am
OK - have just searched the net for the paint I bought . you are right, it is metallic.It is called Gunmetal Metallic.

grangies, Nov 19, 1:37am
Metallic paint can never be polished unless it it clear-coated.

To be honest, a spray can can never ever fix a bonnet or boot etc.

Cant even fix anything on a car really.

The finish on a car is not easy to replicate, unless you know what you are doing.

jaxma, Nov 19, 1:39am
OK - so the paint is on the areas already, it is dry.Should I get a clear coat to put over top!Or should I just leave it as it is!

gunhand, Nov 19, 1:47am
If it was me i would wet sand it then spray a coat over it an walk away. You said it now looks better so just go with that. To me adding clear coat may well work but may also cause other problems as well. As said above spray cans and mettelics and cars dont go well together. You could try the clear as well and it will give a shine of sorts but you will end up with an edge as well.

jaxma, Nov 19, 1:49am
Well, I figure I've got nothing to lose . so I'll try the wet sanding, and another coat like you suggest and see how it looks after that.It looked pretty bad before, so it certainly can't look any worse now!LOL
Thanks for your input :-)Much appreciated!

gunhand, Nov 19, 1:53am
When doing it make sure your surface is clean as you can get it. And use medium wet coats. To light and it will feel like sandpaper and to wet it will go blotchy. And if you use clear not to wet either as it may pull the base coat.
Its no easy task especially on a bonnet.

jaxma, Mar 20, 4:13pm
OK - have just searched the net for the paint I bought . you are right, it is metallic.It is called Gunmetal Metallic.
So what is the best way to get a nice finish now please!