I had one today on a two lane right turn. Its common for people always to just drive straight into the left lane. Had a silly b**ch do it to me today just about took the front of my car out.
Nov 23, 10:59pm
There must be something wrong with me - I actually like women drivers better than I could ever like a man. Unless they look horrible!
Nov 23, 11:26pm
Haha, are you a panel beater by any chance!
I like women driving my van when I travel with them. Gives me a break as I drive so much. But I had to tell one lady not to drive too close to the edge on the left as couple of times she drove on the grass on a corner.
Nov 23, 11:27pm
Is it half hour before sunset and half before sunrise! Or is it other way round, half hour after sunset and half hour after sunrise!
Dosnt take much to upset some people if people with park lights on upset them. They should be concentrating on there own shortcomings.
Nov 23, 11:31pm
That is so annoying when there is two lanes to turn to and both cars could get through the lights. The one turning left should stay on the left lane and the other turning right should stay on the right lane. Simple really but some drivers go straight to the other side.
Nov 23, 11:46pm
Everybody should drive using the same rules. Getting upset about driving with parking lights in my case reminds me of an accident my dad had and it had to do with dimmed lights.
During Winter War in Finland 1940's, my dad was the driver in a car with 3 Finnish Army officers. They were crossing a railway in a convoy during a snowstorm. Every vehicle including trains had to have dimmed lights on to avoid enemy airplanes (Russian) spotting them. So my dad crossed the railway and did not see the train coming! The car was cut in half and all the 3 officers died instantly while my dad spent 2 weeks in coma at Sortavala Hospital. So he always told us to check twice before crossing a railway and have driving lights on. Now in Nordic countries it is a law to have driving lights on 24/7 summer or winter even in cities. Across the border in Russia I heard they drive with parking lights on. Where would you rather drive, in Finland or in Russia!
Nov 24, 12:26am
yay someone with brains a cap is much better than a sun visor when the sun is real close to the horizon
Nov 24, 1:50am
They got a different set of rule to life not just driving lol
My flatmate got in the habit when changing lanes on the motorway of spinning her head/body around to look behind her and check if anyone was coming up on her before changing lanes because "her side mirrors are too unsafe to use" - only that everytime she jerks herself around she swerves across the lane and sometimes into the next one!
Needless to say I made her start using her mirrors and I dont freak out as much whenever we hit the motorway now.
Nov 24, 3:59am
In reduced visibility, I turn on my "park" lights on my truck. Why! Because that turns on my front corner lamps, the 5w bulbs in my headlights, my cab marker lights, my side marker lights and my tail lights. The definition of a park light has been clouded somewhat.
Nov 24, 4:10am
According to the road code "Never Drive With Park Lights Only On!" So that would seem to me to be saying it's illegal to do so in just having park lights on by themselves. Park lights are for that very thing .Parking . Cut & Paste Extract from NZ Road Code Test Form.When to use headlights You must turn on your vehicle's headlights: 1-from 30 minutes after sunset, until 30 minutes before sunrise 2-at any other time when you can't clearly see a person or vehicle 100 metres away. Never drive with just the park lights on.
Nov 24, 4:22am
Those lights on your truck are actually referred to as POSITION LIGHTS .
Nov 24, 4:31am
Marker, position, conspicuitylights, it's all the same thing.
Nov 24, 4:33am
Them = "As in headlights on!"where I added brackets to clarify in my previous post above.
In reference to the thread title .It's both genders that are guilty in far too many cases to have head lights on when they should be on, common sense thing really but you know that common sense is not evenly spread amongst the population is it!
Nov 24, 12:35pm
how many females have had accidents or near-misses with a baby in the car because they were turning around to look at the baby and 'do something' for it, like pick up a toy or bottle or what ever!
Nov 24, 1:22pm
Hell yes . & not on backwards either
Nov 24, 1:24pm
Aaargh my missus does that. Drives me mental. I keep telling her it's better for the kid to cry a little than to have to survive a crash.
I have been reversed into 3 times at the lights but female drivers.I swear they don't look behind them! I even tooted.
Nov 24, 9:12pm
Heck shes a right scream, good one Jazz.
Nov 24, 9:18pm
Yep dead right but I use the head lights as well. Got to laugh though, my daughter when she was younger would say when we were night driving and a big juggernaut was coming down towards us ."Hey Dad Christmas is coming down the road !" heck some of em have lights festooned all over them for sure. No doub't about what's heading toward you .
Nov 24, 10:13pm
Yup, some of them are brighter than daylight coming towards you. I had the whole bloody lot on today, including headlights, foglights, and flashing beacons, but only 'cause I was carrying an overdimensional load
Nov 25, 5:32pm
So you go to the extremes, not enough light with parking lights on and then too much light with fog lights on! Either way illegal, and dangerous.
For example, first you come across with a truck with fog lights and other lights on blinding you temporarily and then behind the truck, on the spray, ( if iti is raining) drives some granny with dim parking lights on!
It would be easier if all the drivers had same lights on, driving lights on low beam.
Nov 27, 10:41pm
Note the words "OVERDIMENSIONAL LOAD". Headlights MUST be used, and although not necessarily a requirement, all pilots that I have used recommend that my foglights also be operating. Also, re the "insufficient lighting", you may wish to refer to my earlier post where I listed exactly how many lights operate with my stalk on the "park" setting.
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