Johnson 70hp wont idle in gear

prickle304, Nov 27, 12:36am
Have a 2001 Johnson 70hp outboard. Idles fine with muffs on. As soon as I put it in the water it doesnt like to stay running. Dies when in gear. Have found a split hose on the choke solenoid outlet side. Would this create a vac leak straight into the cylinder! Runs fine with some throttle on

msigg, Nov 27, 2:47am
May be you might have to adjust your idle a bit, when its in gear its turning the prop so that requires a bit of force. yea any split hose should be repaired. could be linkage adjustments.

alan1111, Nov 27, 2:50am
I would take it to a outboard mechanic to be on the safe side. Ina car if it breaks down you can walk for assistance but not out on the water. I had a impellar go 2 years ago on my boat and had to be towed back to the wharfe long slow trip.

rob_man, Nov 27, 3:01am
I always found outboard mechanics have a tendency to tune them a bit lean on the idle, a quick visit to the idle jets with a screwdriver sorts it out.
I used to beach launch a lot so there was often no time to hang around warming up a cold motor and trying three or four times to get underway.

elect70, Nov 27, 6:08pm
^^yepnothing worse than it staling in the surf, prefer a fast idle

demons, Nov 27, 7:22pm
^^ we used to put muffs on before we went out and warm motor up.used to launch waihi beach main end . very fun.

elect70, Apr 15, 5:55am
You ran it without waterthen pulled the muffs off when underway !I have heard of this beforeonceunfortunately, they forgot to take the muffs off with inevitable result .