Petrol prices.

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scoobeey, Jan 22, 2:34pm
3buk by xmas they said that last yr and the y r be4 better shrpen crystal ball

rod525, Jan 22, 2:47pm

meadow_man, Jan 22, 3:28pm
More scooters and bikes on the road soon then! lol

74nova, Jan 22, 4:19pm
I doubt it, there too expensive to register now.

intrade, Jan 22, 4:23pm
i find food prices are a huge ripoff compaired to europe we pay 40% more for everything in a supermarket as you pay in germany
Fuelprices almost mach what they charge in europe to here
lpg on the other hand is way to expensive here.

lyonruge, Jan 22, 4:35pm
Feck, i hope they came with Baileys!

rod525, Jan 22, 4:35pm
NZ - very small population therefor ecomonies of scale. If you sell/buy in bulk, cheaper price. I haven't got a problem with it, if you have - emigrate and have all the other social, enviromental, political, security problems etc of living in Europe to get a bit cheaper fuel and food - no thanks.

1fordluva, Jan 22, 4:46pm
If you compare the buy price from the farmer to the supermarket,the middle men are not just raping you,they are throwing a fist up too!

sharchew, Jan 22, 4:48pm
Buy your Tim Tams at Countdown$2.75 packet

intrade, Jan 22, 5:16pm
i am searching for online prices
Newzealand deer and lamb is about 16$ a kg to purchase in some european supermarket. And we have to paywhat! 54$ or something for hogget with loads of fat on it as the good stuff is exported.
comon stop the bull with small population it is newzealand food that costs a fraction over there also. the above prices are not correct but i know the difference is huge for what we pay and what they pay for A grade export in europe.

intrade, Jan 22, 6:12pm,-31.01._/

I am not able to find nz product online but they are as cheap as these prices
(1000 g = 6,98 euro and a euro is current
NZD 12.68 = EUR 6.98

rod525, Jan 23, 8:09am
For example, NZ population - 4 million, UK population - 61 million, which is 15 times our numbers = massive buying power, why whinge on about the prices, it is just reality that they can buy massive amounts of our primary products at a better price than NZ distributors. Get over it, or leave.