If a tyre has indentations (x 2), roughly about2.5 inches wide and run from the edge of the rim to the to the edge of the tread would that pass a wof and is it legal to sell a car with tyres like that! This is on more than one tyre too. TIA edited to say.not my car but one that I was thinking of purchasing. and !mark is in the wrong place in the title.oops
Nov 30, 1:56am
Look for the wear indicators in the middle of the tread if any of them are level with the rest of the tread then it will not pass a WOF.
Couple of bucks go buy yourself a tread tester from an auto store and check the depths yourself.
Nov 30, 2:06am
its NOT the tread i am worried about, its the possible damage that has been done to the tyre wall that concerns me. if you read my post properly you would see or maybe understand what i was saying. : )
Nov 30, 2:20am
Euro tyre !Outies are a rupture,innies are to do with construction.Quite often seen on European tyres and are no reason for concern, they will run their full life with no problems.
Nov 30, 2:23am
ahh ok Tyre deformation in that case it will be a the judgement of the WOF tester.
Nov 30, 2:26am
Thanks Romulan, it sort of looks like strop marks where the car has been tied down to stop it from moving on a ship maybe! But they don't look good and it just seem dangerous or am I am being paranoid!
Nov 30, 2:30am
I would not say paranoid just being cautious and safe!
Nov 30, 2:31am
Nov 30, 2:39am
so one wof tester could say pass and another one on a different day could say fail on the tyres!
Nov 30, 2:45am
As much as I would like to post a pic, it is another TM member and naming and shaming is frowned upon on the MB, I can only say that this person has lost a sale as he couldn't be straight up with me when I asked a question. Ya don't stuff around with tyres especially when you rely on them to keep you on the road.
Nov 30, 2:53am
Could it have been the spare which was later put on the car! Some station wagons which carry the spare in a cradle underneath the back of the vehicle can leave indentations on the tyre, especially if done up too tight
Nov 30, 2:59am
I don't think so, it could be seen on 3 tyres. it was a Rav 4
Apr 21, 11:17pm
I don't think so, it could be seen on 2 - 3 tyres. it was a Rav 4
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