Was almost put off posting this after the cheap cars are over threadAnyway opinions please re title as looking at Toyota hiace van 2008 and up re econoimics fuel price and ruc do both fuel types balance out cost wise to run also import versus nz new
Dec 2, 3:14am
The two main factors involved are the distance you will be travelling and how thirsty the petrol version is.
If you use more than 8L per 100km of petrol you actually pay more RUC than a diesel does. The lower per KM running costs of the diesel are countered by the higher set costs like registration and to some degree maintenance. If you do sufficient milage then the per km savings of the diesel are sufficient to overcome the set costs. I estimate that in a hiace this point would be somewhere around the 8-10 thousand Km mark. Yes it can be calculated if you want to do the sums which I would recommend if you are serious about the comparison.
Dec 2, 3:15am
LPG injection.
Dec 2, 3:51am
did the sums when Pajero died, Bought Falcon wagon,with servicing every 5k for the desiel and every 10k for the petrol.rego etc, there was very little difference, and do about 30k per year
Dec 2, 4:11am
Thanks people that certainly is food for thought
Dec 2, 4:35am
The modern Euro common rail diesel vans are well worth looking at. With service intervals of 15 to 30,000 km and unbelievable fuel economy they leave the modern generation of Japanese diesels for dead. After having owned a fair few Hiaces over the years I am now a Fiat / Mercedes convert!
Dec 2, 11:21am
always good to see this question come up again, it should be a permanent fixture in motoring the amount it is asked.
Dec 2, 11:57am
there was a bit on fairgo recently were some one got a little water in to their fuel system in a hyundai I think it was.It was using a common rail diesel engine. Over $20,000 to repair.Madness.
Dec 2, 12:17pm
What i have been told that a lot of the commercial owners &drivers are doing now, is fitting an aftermarket filter/ water trap canister in tandem to the factory fuel filter. ***** Theres several comparative things to consider about the diesel verses petrol debate
#1: Body size of vehicle #2: Engine size #3: Expected km's per year #4: Expected size of loads & how often #5: expected terrain (tarseal/ gravel/mud/ hills/ paddocks/ beach's etc) #6: If using a petrol vehicle, would you need a trailer #7: If using a diesel, would you need a trailer #8: Can you do your own vehicle maintenance /servicing #9: Are you in a hurry to go places #10: Do you need pulling power or speed #11: Do you need a high comfort level
Dec 2, 12:18pm
putit this way.my boss does a run from Tauranga to Katikati 4 times aday. (light loads- about200km a day). it is cheaper for him touse a petrol Hi Ace on LPG than a diesel.
Dec 2, 12:21pm
Did my sums between a 2.8 td Rodeo and a 3.6 v6 Commodore ute. As I only travel 5000 odd kms a year, usually with a motorbike on board, the petrol Commodore worked out cheaper for me to own.
Dec 2, 12:48pm
Cost comparison between running the.
Std petrol vehicle Lpg fitted vehicle Cost outlay of fitting the Lpg
Lpg outlay recovery (break even on fitting) will be very expensive over the 1st couple of years, Unless you can purchase a petrol vehicle WITH the lpg already fitted
fitting costs of the lpg
Dec 2, 12:51pm
Carby engines are reasonably cheap to fit Lpg ($1500/ $2000 ish), Lpg to Injected petrol & diesel engines creep over the $3000 / $5000 ish mark
Dec 2, 1:25pm
Carby engines usually fail at being economical and don't come in modern hiaces though. If you want a hiace though get the diesel, much nicer to drive.
Dec 2, 1:29pm
Id disagree, some of the most economical engines I have known have been carby but they were not powerful at the same time. With carby I think you can have excellent economy or high power but not both. Fuel injection gives you a better compromise. Think of an engine like a datsun a12, extremely economical and in the US they were advertising that it was doing 50MPG in a datsun sunny but in comparison to modern engines with equal economy they are not powerful at all.
Dec 2, 1:36pm
don't forget diesel van are (usually) moreexpensive tobuy and maintain. Ihave a 2.4 injected Hiace on LPGand is nice todrive. I sometimes drive a diesel Hiace when mine is getting serviced and Ifind them gutless andnoises.I get about 200-250k from 40-48L of LPG @ $1.39minus the discount (shell card).
Dec 2, 1:38pm
to me economical is a reletive term.its unecomomical to use a 2.7 litre petrol carby engine compared to using a 2.7 litre fuel injectected engine.
assuming both were made with a factory tune, the 2.7 injected would make less power and use less fuel. making it more economical
Dec 2, 1:49pm
if you want to pollute everyone that follows you then get a Diesel
Dec 2, 2:05pm
Dear O Dear .Dont "tar" them all with the same brush The omly let down with LPG is the filling stations are getting less and less! I run a supercustom Hi-ace.3l turbo diesel manual.I can get over 500ks on a tank.about $110 depending on how empty it is.thats just around town with the odd long trip.i claim everything through the business so i can disconnect the speedo (save road user) .the 3ltr turbo goes really well empty or even towing.when i upgrade i wont go past another hiace.unless the Euro stuff tickles my fancy :)
Dec 2, 2:39pm
despite the fact that there are very few OLD smokey diesels left on the road, i thought it was common knoledge that petrol fumes are much more harmful than those from a diesel.
i dont think i've ever even seen diesel smoke come out of a modern diesel
Dec 2, 2:40pm
Bollocks it's been proven that it's half & half between comparable diesel & petrol.
#1: Petrol has far MORE carcinogenic particles but they have a short life span #2: Diesels have far less carcinogenic particles but they have a longer life span. #3; Theres far more petrol vehicles on the road then diesels #4: Diesels use less fuel per km then petrol vehicles
What you are calling pollution is simply VISIBLE pollution
Lots of interesting ready & opinions Variations of apparent fact but all point in the same general direction
Dec 2, 2:43pm
Agreed Petrol fumes burn my nose very fast, diesel fumes just annoy me
Dec 2, 2:50pm
Sure hope someone who works for the IRD and NZTA are not watching this thread
Dec 2, 3:29pm
morrie man. yes you can have economy and power by using carbs with progressive choke openings. like weber 28/36 dcd and similar.
Dec 2, 3:35pm
Thats Ment to say "Can't disconnect".my fuel use has to match up with my road user.Sausage fingers again
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