Timing belt. Just broke timing belt on a toyota hilux will it damage engine some one said it should be sweet cause its a toyota
Apr 17, 2:48am
To add to timing belts, I just had my Hilux in for what I thought was a head gasket problem 1.5k to fix to find out it it's a loose timing chain causing damage to it's housing and is up to 3k to fix. Does this price sound reasonable !
Apr 17, 2:55am
Will be almost guaranteed to have some level of engine damage. Could be minor (I broke a belt in a 2l-t once and only needed 3 new cam followers) or it could be bent valves, damage to camshaft etc etc. You'll only know when you strip it down.
Apr 17, 2:57am
Apr 17, 2:59am
what engine is it pacificsand and what was the original fault!
Apr 17, 3:07am
Yeah 22R, Hi Dent. original fault was water in the oil. Head Gasket has been looked at and fine. Since found out it is a loose time chain causing slight holein the casing causing the problem.
Apr 17, 4:08am
Interference motor
Apr 17, 4:13am
These also corroded with lack of inhibitor, Not really a huge job, 3K sounds excessive, but have they taken head off, Is this included in price!
Apr 17, 5:49am
Yes, the head has been removed and taken in for a check, and included in the price, cheers
Apr 17, 11:42pm
Give Gleye and Parlane a call in Barrys Point Rd Takapuna and get a quote from him.he is the best diesel repairer / auto machinist I have known in Auckland and genuine no rip off. Tell him CEEBEE Mtrs referred you. Sound very expensive to me.Will even be worth transporting it from Warkworth.
Apr 17, 11:58pm
22R is a petrol.
Dec 4, 3:01am
just broke timing belt on a toyota hilux will it damage engine some one said it should be sweet cause its a toyota is this write!
Dec 4, 3:57am
Nope. Sorry to say, it will be toast. Bent valves, broken buckets and shims. Possibly even a cracked piston if it hit hard enough. And at a stretch, cracked cam.
Edit: to say that applies for an "L" series and the 1KZ engines
Dec 4, 3:59am
but its a non interfering motor!
Dec 4, 4:05am
What engine have you got!
Dec 4, 4:06am
Save me Jeebers
Dec 4, 4:18am
5l .3ld 2001 toyota hilux
Dec 4, 4:22am
It will be very most likely rooted. On those the valves are flash with the head. And when the belt breaks, so do a lot of other things. Just had a 5L at work that broke a belt. And it needed 8 valves, 8 guides, and new cam and followers.
Dec 4, 12:58pm
jezz that was lucky, what's that gunna cost to fix !
Dec 4, 11:41pm
well !
Dec 4, 11:54pm
Shit sorry. Didn't realise you were talking to me. I have no idea of the costs. I'm just the boy that does the work. The office sorts that shit out.
Nov 12, 3:52pm
don't be sorry , just ask the boss or rummage thru their paper work and let us know.
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