1kz-te engine. I have a toyota surf with a 1kz te engine and have removed the head today does anybody know how to tell if it has
Dec 7, 1:48am
i have a toyota surf with a 1kz-te engine and have removed the head today. does anybody know how to tell if it has a cracked head! does it have to be pressure checked or can u tell by visual check!
Dec 7, 1:52am
how many damn threads do you need. You cant just accidentally create three threads.
Dec 7, 1:54am
apologies I see someone else has done it too, so could be a trademe problem.
Dec 7, 2:15am
Don't bother, just scrap it and buy a new one (a brand new one that is). Every single diesel cylinder head we had crack tested was cracked and/or warped. None seem to survive.
Dec 7, 2:20am
Pretty much as above, in some cases the cracks can be obvious but in others they can be in hidden areas such as beneath the valve seats.By all means get a machine shop to check it but be prepared for the worst.Also make sure you get that radiator removed and taken to a shop to be cleaned correctly, or even better replaced outright, and make sure the cooling fan coupling isn't faulty either, along with the rest of the cooling system.
Dec 7, 2:53am
As above, throw it out and get a new one. They are buggers for cracking, have done one with only 90k on it and my own at 325k, and a few in between. Be careful if you replace the radiator, there are 2 different core thicknesses, 26mm and 36mm from memory.
Dec 7, 2:59am
Get the biggest radiator anyway. Around 200-230k most will have "Gone". Pressure test is usually the only way to test, but will be cracked 99.9%.
Dec 7, 3:53am
the car hasnt been overheated the valve clearance was lower than should be which is why i pulled head off
Dec 7, 4:17am
visual checks are near on pointless unless you have special reactive dyes, or a similar magnetic methods, Its easyer to take it to a head specialist, tested for cracks and warpages before getting machined, but as others have said, its best to biff it and buy a new head
Dec 7, 12:28pm
Why pull the head for valve clearances! Why not just fit the correct size shim to the bucket to adjust the clearance! Seams a but of an over kill to remove the head to do the job!
Dec 8, 12:21am
*Facepalm* Valve clearances are adjustable.
Dec 8, 2:38am
Boom Boom. yea thats why the OP hasn't been back. he's trying to explain to his wife why he needs to spend a few hundy on a valve clearance adjustment. instead of a few dollars
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