Toyota Surf Alternator help

snj11, Dec 19, 3:27am
have a 1994 Surf KZN130, 3.0 Turbo Diesel, got a bit carried away at the mud at the waimak river and it got a bit of muddy water splashed around under the hood, on the way home all the warning lights came up (battery, t belt, etc) its now not charging, chuck a tester on it and it said alternator failed, im assuming it will be the alternator itself but before I pull it out is there any thing else I should be checking relating to the charging system!


n3d4sp3d, Dec 19, 3:51am
have you checked the main 100 amp fuse link if this is blown the alt will not charge

skin1235, Dec 19, 3:51am
mud won't cause the alt to quit , thay can actually run fully submerged, but mud and water will cause havoc in a lot of the other wiring, and that can cause the alt to blow diodes and then quit - plugging another alt in can often result in a duplication - ie another stuffed alt

needs an auto sparky to check the systems and if he plugs another alt in and it quits it will be his issue

snj11, Jun 22, 4:09am
cheers guys, will take a better look in day light in the morning and post back in here