Listing advice please

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kazbanz, Dec 8, 12:44am
Hey guys could you please look at this CLOSED auction.
Is there any way it could have beenmade clearer regarding a gearbox issue!
Its ok be as harsh as you like.I hate getting it wrong. The top bidder said they were unaware that there gearbox might be an issue

thunderbolt, Dec 8, 12:45am
Do we guess the auction number Kaz!

therafter1, Dec 8, 12:47am
I think you beat the edit LOL

therafter1, Dec 8, 12:47am
And no, the possibility of a trans problem is covered.

mugenb20b, Dec 8, 12:48am
It looks pretty clear to me if you read the whole lot. The top bidder "may" have read the first few lines of the description and was happy with that, so decided not read any further.

thunderbolt, Dec 8, 12:50am
If he only read the first two paragraphs, he may have assumed it had a solid gearbox.
Plenty of warnings in the rest of the auction including the questions.
Let the buyer beware. Which he clearly did not.
He owns it for mine.

gunhand, Dec 8, 12:52am
Judging by the state of the car It wouldnt surprise me if it had issues. And think you made it fairly clear several times throughout the auction. But it gets proven over and over that people just do not read discriptions correctly.

irule, Dec 8, 3:59am
I read the it, and atfirst the car is described as having a "solid automatic gearbox". You do say quite a few times that there is an issue with the box, so if someone cant figure out that there is an issue with it they might be suffering from F.I.T.H. syndrome.

ginga4lyfe, Dec 8, 4:04am
I agree with irule , if someone cannot read, its there own fault

kazbanz, Dec 8, 2:04pm
Thanks guys-The buyer pulled out because I couldn't promise definitely the car would get him home (a 600km drive).I can't see how in concience I could say for definite it would. The funny thing is once up over 20-30km/h it drives perfectly normally.

jsbike, Dec 8, 2:34pm
bad feedback, relist. bugger! I actually had one just like them, they bought a no reserve and sold as is item that I had no idea if it worked, on winning the auction they informed me they would come test it and if it didnt work they would not take it as it was a lot to pay for something broken. p1ssed me off so i got it tested myself, it did work so i told them it was too cheap to sell now seeing it did work, kama :)

a.woodrow, Dec 8, 5:39pm
Maybe just remove the line about the solid auto, put your q & a noted into your next auction description. Nice of you to let them out of the auction :)

kazbanz, Dec 8, 10:57pm
I'll take the advice on board--A woodrow -Its not about being nice to be honest. Its about reality.What chance have I got of getting a couple of K from a trader "somewhere" near wellington! Its just not worth the drama.

neville48, Dec 8, 11:17pm
"The funny thing is once up over 20-30km/h it drives perfectly normally".
Another funny thing is that in the advert you say you drove it three times and couldn't find anything wrong with the gearbox, now you say that "once you do over 20- 30kph it drives perfectly nicely" so you admit you know it had a fault. I saw that advert and avoided it like the plague knowing that honda autogearboxes are not their strong point so the info was there to make a wise decision but should have just come out and said "known faulty auto".

skin1235, Dec 9, 4:18am
classic example of how different people see things

he says the previous owner stated it had a g/box issue, he also said he had driven it a few times and that issue had not surfaced, he then said someone had taken it for a test drive and they reported it had an issue, he even then repeated that it had a g/box issue a few times - and you come back and suggest he should have said it had an issue, doh, how many times does he have to say it before you see it

curlcrown, Dec 9, 4:10pm
I think you made a mistake by saying "solid gearbox" although cleary unintential I can see how it could cause confusion.

kazbanz, Dec 9, 4:22pm
I don't lie in my advertising I just want to make that point VERY clear. -I think that reflects in the feedback I get -including from the person who "bought" this car
The situation unfolded over timeand the comments made reflect EXACTLY how it happened.
First the car was driven by me and drove perfectly normally .On that basis I placed the advert -being truthfull about the customer telling me it was faulty
Then on the way for a wof days later I noticed something not right -again I noted it in the auction.
THEN days later still a trader on a long test drive noticed a DEFINITEthump into gear. He was a honda mechanic and told me what he thought was wrong. AGAIN this was noted in the auction.
The "buyer" had all that information to hand hours before bidding and 20 minutes before they bid I again added that there was a gearbox fault.
Yes argueably I could have removed all 100 or so bids and changed the words in the listing-that is the only way it could be changed besides what I did do.
Again I take pride in advertising completely honestly to the best of my knowledge.

kazbanz, Dec 9, 4:31pm
Yea I agree totally.Thanks mon Um to be honest it was a cut n paste from a generic advert.

kazbanz, Dec 9, 4:37pm
does this cover it off better !

The person who traded this car in told us there is an issue with the gearbox.There is a thump changing gears more noticeable when the car is hot.On the open road it seems to drive normally.

neville48, Dec 9, 5:38pm
Doesn't matter what you do mate, if you are turning over a few vehicles "shite happens" you can never include everything and situations change and perceptions are different, we just plod on and hope for the best huh.Not a worry.

jollyrob, Dec 9, 7:35pm
Hard to sell to people who dont understand buyer beware. You made your T & Cs very clear at bottom of listing. I say their problem. What do they expect for that kind of money!

kazbanz, Dec 15, 2:13am
That darned car is cursed Im sure of it.
Sorry guys just hafta vent.
Readvertisedsaid car. Two things with the top bidder.
First they arrived and wanted an ironclad promise it would drive to far south auckland DEFINITELY.--despite this time CLEARLY saying there WASa gearbox issue--and not just once but three times.
Then they "forgot" to do change of ownership.--Hmm "forgot" when it was on the auction. Then on the e mail sent by trade methen on the reminder e mail sent by meand then when they calledin the phone conversation.
Finally a complaint that theres not enough fuel to get home.
Jeeze -there summat about that car that attracted a certain type 0f buyer.

neo_psy, Dec 15, 2:34am
Just looked at your last few listings, Kaz. I don't know how you don't murder some of the idiot question askers.

kazbanz, Dec 15, 2:43am
Nahh its not them--its the people you sweat blood for to find them exactly the car they asked for then they tell you they changed their mind.
hehehhehee--you'll keep.--I'm gonna ride up and down a certain street on my new gxx1400just to torment you

neo_psy, Dec 15, 2:49am
Heh - who would do that!

Jst b crful, i mite strt emling n txtng u lke dis. N askn 4 by nws 2.