Interesting engine concept.

budgel, Jan 30, 10:34pm

welshdude, Jan 30, 10:47pm
Hope it goes somewhere. In the 80's an Australian (Ray Sarich!) came up with something which sounded this good. Don't know what became of it.

morrisman1, Jan 30, 11:05pm
That could be welshdude

Its making good progress by the looks of thing and is well into the prototype testing phase.

I dont like to be a knocker but the video isn't very convincing.

budgel, Jan 30, 11:51pm
No, I think it is different, revertec talks about using convenyional cylinder heads, these dont have heads in the conventional sense.

bigracket, Jan 31, 12:05am
Very interesting video actually OP thanks for sharing.

1fordluva, Jan 31, 12:24am
Wasnt it Split cycle engines!

mellisa2000, Jan 31, 1:09am
That is interesting, Cheers #1. Having one crank overcomes some obstacles, but that's one helluva con-rod length. It might make good power and torque, but it would not be smooth. The more firing strokes per revolution, the smoother the thing should run.

illusion_, Jan 31, 1:23am
reminds me a bit of the old Commer "Knocker" motor.

carkitter, Jan 31, 1:37am
In the video the German guy (great accent BTW) said that it is inherently perfectly-balanced because the short and long conrods on each side use opposing forces cancelling each other out. The result is no reciprocating side thrust acting against the crank and therefore smaller main bearings, less friction and a lighter crankcase.

dayle, Jan 31, 1:44am
Yes, the Rootes/Commer TS3. Nothing is new.

mantagsi, Jan 31, 1:50am
Junkers Diesel aero engine also - I think that was the original that the commer one was based off if I am right!

neville48, Jan 31, 1:50am
Ray Sariches company ,Split Cycle had a rather large facility just before labrador on the highway into the gold coast, it is now Dick Johnsons rather large facility. From memory the split cycle engine could never start on its own and had to be run up with another motor to make it run. Methinks RS passed away and the company went horribly belly-up. please correct me if i'm wrong campers.

rob_man, Jan 31, 1:52am
The rocker knocker.

rob_man, Jan 31, 2:01am
My old man loved those horizontally opposed Commer engines.

jsbike, Jan 31, 2:10am
it was rick mayne thet dreamed up the split cycle engine (in jail), you are also correct that it would not run as a stand alone unit, it needed half of the cyliners to provide compression for the rest of them, or have another unit to compress a charge. I have a video i will upload to youtube on it sometime, I got it from the spit cycle company years ago. my dad went to look at investing money into it, on arrival at the complex they were all "working" on the engine, he left and then snuck back shortly afterwards, to find them all out in the carpark woking on a holden. last I heard rick had set up a tech building to let othe rpeople build stuff, in exchange to part ownership of what they invented.

rlr29, Jan 31, 2:19am
Pretty sure my old workshop manuals have a dual action combustion chamber 2 stroke diesel design in them from 1960.

And the Revtec cam/crank design is really struggling.Manufacturers just haven't picked it up and it's been hanging for about 10 years now.

Speculation says they'll skip both for electric.

neville48, Jan 31, 2:24am
thanks for the update and correct name.Rick Mayne; was a long time ago,i had heard stories similar to your dads situation before. RM must have been sort of a half brilliant man with a dishonest/conman back-up personality huh.

movnon, Jan 31, 3:13am
If I remember right, Sarich sold the technology to one of the big outboard manufacturers for the carburation/oil injection system. he made millions without producing anything. The sarich engine (a rotary) was discarded as a result.
Commer knockers right, could hear the noisy bastards miles away!

skin1235, Jan 31, 3:53am
S3 were opposed pistons with cranks at each extreme, this vid is not what anyone would call 'opposed' in that ref terminology
split cycle engines were altogether different also to what the vid is displaying
definitely an interesting concept
and won't be very popular with opec or politicians - it has potential to deliver huge amounts of energy from surprising small amounts of fuel, and could very easily be setup to run on alt fuels - a big no-no when it comes to selling gas and govt's taxing those sales
the prototype they have is for heavy transport, is capable of 300hp per bank, 600hp in the form shown, and is a lot less sized than any cummins 600hp around, or a jimmy 600hp for that matter, if they got the bugs ironed out and produced 250hp single bank engines smaller than a subby or boxer ( and for hp/size that is definitely possible with that concept) they'd very quickly have a huge repower market
as he explains there is never a moment of reversing pressure on the small end, or the big end, and that brings lubrication issues ( which they say they have just about got sorted)
will we get working engines in our lifetime - when wankle came out at first it was generally thought they were too advanced for common use, how many rotaries are on the road now, and have they ever managed to get the low torque to match vehicle requirments without gearing the hell out of them to the point they are a really competitive and useful engine, or a low geared screamer that runs out of mechanical advantage too soon

mechnificent, Jan 31, 4:46am
S3 had rockers at each end didm't they!

illusion_, Jan 31, 12:54pm

single crank below, conrods to rockers, then conrods from rockers back to the pistons. supercharged 2 stroke diesel. sounds somewhat stupid and complicated but they did work very well.

johnb9, Jan 31, 10:28pm
Interesting- the test will be what it does better than existing engines.
I remember the Commer TS3 2 stroke Diesel, which was the same principle, but a more compact arrangement. Of course REAL engines are TURBINES- anything with pistons is probably less than 1 MW, so a small engine

skin1235, Feb 26, 7:14pm
I have no idea why I said cranks, I've had more than my share of them apart at various times