Removing Tyre from rim!

danni_2254, Jan 30, 5:03pm
Any easy way of doing this! Don't want to pay as im only doing it for scrap value.

Any help appreciated.

Cheers =]

kazbanz, Jan 30, 5:06pm

tmenz, Jan 30, 5:10pm
Stand on it and hit it with a sledge hammer!
I've broken a bead before by driving over the flattened tyre as close to the rim as possible. Can be hazardous though if it flips up!

franko171, Jan 30, 5:12pm
set fire to it

gunhand, Jan 30, 5:18pm
I was thinking burnout lol, this does a very good job of removing tyre from rim. but we must assume its not on a car etc.

neo_psy, Jan 30, 5:21pm
Cut it with an angle grinder!

danni_2254, Jan 30, 5:29pm
Indeed its not on a car, nor do we have access to a car capable of doing burnouts. Also don't have an angle grinder unfortunately =[

mechnificent, Jan 30, 5:38pm
Get a hunk of wood and shape it up to a two inch wide chisel shape, not too sharp though, and use a big hammer to drive it in between the tyre and the rim like a wedge. Once you have wedged it down as far as it will go using it like a wedge, start using it like a punch to bash the trye down the rim. Do it to both sides.

Now choose which side of the rim is the shorter strech to get the tyre off(one side has a longer distance from the bead lip to the centre depression), and using two levers and plenty of soup you should be able to lever the tyre off. If you have trouble it will be because you haven't positioned the tyre opposite the levers, right into the centre depression.

carkitter, Jan 30, 6:16pm
The 'shorter stretch' will be the front side, I haven't seen an upside down rim for a long time. Last one was a Hillman Hunter.

pollymay, Jan 30, 6:19pm
Just lay a plank of wood as close in to the rim as you can and drive up the piece of wood. Don't be dumb and drive up so the rim is under your car and when the bead breaks you land up beached on it.

mechnificent, Jan 30, 6:30pm
Doesn't say what sort of car.

And Danni, you will get far more effort on the tyre by wedging it than you will with weights. even a car!

danni_2254, Jan 31, 12:09am
Ok so we've broken the bead, now cant get the tyre off the rim. Tried screwdrivers ect. .

nathanmac, Jan 31, 12:13am
you need tyre irons - two long flat bars of steel.

kevin.b, Jan 31, 12:17am
Do you want to keep the tyre, or is it stuffed!

If you don't need it then you can always use a hacksaw to cut through the tyre and down the sidewalls, then use a hammer and chisel to cut the bead off both sides.

Worked well for me on 4x wheels that I wanted to scrap the rims.

mechnificent, Jan 31, 5:12am
Screwdrivers ae probably too round, you need flat levers.

I can get any tyre off, bike, car, even tractor tyres, with a six inch lever. you just need to position the tyre correctly on the rim, then it shouldn't need any streching.

pollymay, Jan 31, 5:26am
To lever the tyre off place the tyre/steel belt area/edge down in the hollow in the rim then start levering. It won't come off if it is sitting on the raised bit with the safety bead, it gives you some slack so you can pull it over the rim. You need 2 big levers and a bit of technique, you pick it up after you have done hundreds of tyres that the tyre machine won't work on.

Also check the front side on the rim doesn't have a large lip, some rims can only have the tyre mounted and dismounted one direction cause of a raised lip on the rim.

dunwoody, Jan 31, 1:55pm
Can't believe what i am reading .two minutes with two tyre levers and a hammer.Start at the valve and work either way around from it. Opposit when putting on. Saw a an expert weather man on TV who didnt know haw to take a wheel off . Whats the world coming to!

mechnificent, Jan 31, 7:19pm
You can get tyres onto rims without tools. just lube and push them on with your hands. if you do it right.

what__the__, Feb 1, 2:07am
Bread knife will cut through a tyre pretty easy.

ola_bitchola1, Feb 27, 4:53am
was going to say ive seen it done hack saw as far as you can with a hacksaw then a sharp chisel through the beads