LPG experts please

kngfhrt, Feb 3, 10:14pm
if household lpg uses only the vapour off the top of the lpg tank for water heating cooking etc. to my understanding my forklift lpg tank draws the liquid from the bottom of the tank not the vapour on top. would turning folklift lpg tank upside down mean urd be drawing just the vapour!

berg, Feb 3, 10:41pm
In theory yes but DO NOT go there. Forklift cylinders have a tube inside them so when the correct way up they draw liquid all the way to the bottom of the cylinder. If upside down this tube would in theory be in the vapour space. The risk is liquid LPG forming in the tube or splashing into the tube. Liquid expands about 270 times at atmospheric pressure. Imagine your BBQ with 270 times more gas. Trust me (ex gas fitter, cylinder tester and LPG delivery tanker driver) it's not worth the risk.

intrade, Feb 3, 11:23pm
you could fill your bottles from the forkliftas lpg is lpg and it flows from top to bottom.

berg, Feb 3, 11:26pm
Don't encourage them. Somebody is liable to try it.

kngfhrt, Feb 3, 11:58pm
thank you berg. then in theory you should be able to remove inner tube from inside lpg tank and it would be safe to use on bbq etc!

intrade, Feb 4, 12:05am
i used cng tanks for my lpg-fridge years ago no problem just added a regualtor to it nothing dangerous if it dont leaks and your not stupid and ignite it.my mate from the boat used to always hang a 9kg lpg bottle upside down with a hose connected to a old forgein alluminium bottle that nz wont test and allow to drain lpg from one to another.

intrade, Feb 4, 12:09am
how are you going to remove something inside a filled tank! I think if you got no cluethen keep your fingers of it.

berg, Feb 4, 12:20am
Your "mate" from the boat is playing a dangerous game. For the liquid to transfer he must be venting vapour off from the cylinder being filled. Also cylinder tests are carried out for a reason. Alloy and stainless dont rust externally like steels do but they do fatigue and crack from the inside.

rkauto, Feb 4, 12:25am
Whynot just use the correct bottle,they not expensive

berg, Feb 4, 12:25am
In theory that would work but you would also need to change the fittings as forklift is a special type. Problem then is no testing facility will test it and no filler will touch it. Also using cylinders over 9kg require a installation cert and that includes BBQs. Fine you can get away with it for a while but ask yourself, what happens when it goes wrong!

kngfhrt, Feb 4, 12:41am
its just that i could be paying around 1.30 per kg to fill forklift bottle up and its something like 3.40 per kg for a 9kg bottle thats around 2.00 a kg difference thats a huge mark up for the same stuff.

berg, Feb 4, 12:46am
$1.30 per kg or $1.30 per ltr as forklift cylinders are often filled by the ltr.
Problem is nobody will fill your forklift cylinder once you have made your changes. Better to stick with the 9kg

intrade, Feb 4, 3:15pm
we get 9kg bottles filled for 20 bux now but yes it is a ripoff. We get ripped and milked left right and center for Lpg. and food
just to letyou know we purchased newzealand Dear for 16$ per kg over in europes supermarket. and what do we pay here like 24$ for chicken breast.lpg costs 64 cent = 80cent nz . its a load of bulls that its more expensive because we are a island . the friggen dear meat is from newzealand travels 1/2 way round the world and cost still a fraction of what we get ripped left right and center here.

intrade, Feb 4, 3:19pm
to calculate 1kg is 1.88liter gas its 16,9 liter in a 9kg bottle abouts but the price is way to expensive for car lpg also. alsorts of excuses as to why it suposedly more expensive and all the stuff they come up with has 0 foundation to build on. for example i can buy chrombacher beer here for 10 bux a sixpack that traveled 1/2 way round the world from germany . and i also should pay 10$ or more for hineken that is brewed by lion red right here in the country. something stinks to high heaven all over.

printerhunter, Feb 4, 3:37pm
fuck intrade can moan

intrade, Feb 4, 3:38pm
at 1.3$ per liter there is no difference almost to 9kg as 9kg is 16liter gas abouts and times 1.3= 20.80$

intrade, Feb 4, 3:40pm
printerhunter i just point out that we not just get ripped on lpg but other things also. petrol prices are the same high almost world wide.

printerhunter, Feb 4, 3:41pm
yeah mate but thers not alot ya can do about it is there

intrade, Feb 4, 3:45pm
nop other then not to buy nothing or move out of the country.
mind you we could do what the they do in egypt .

elect70, Mar 11, 12:56pm
To transfer liquid from 1 to anotherwarm the full bottle & chill the 1 filling .Otherwise the pressure will equalise & wont flow . we do this in fridge tradewith large cylinders of refrigerantinto service cylinders .