Female mechanics

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g_k, Feb 2, 2:16pm
No I wouldn't but that was purely my decision. I know plenty of women that do use them and apparently they are fantastic. They have more empathy the most female midwives. There was a male paediatrician in the room assisting my midwife when I gave birth, I really didn't give a hoot to be honest but I would feel much more comfortable with a female doing all the cervix checks and stretch and sweeps etc that happen in late pregnancy.

jsbike, Feb 2, 2:20pm
there lies your problem, a lot of people wont be comfortable handing their keys to a female mech, same as you wouldnt be comfortable with a man handling your cervix.

g_k, Feb 2, 2:40pm
and that is fine. I was more aiming for the female market that don't trust male mechanics

jsbike, Feb 2, 2:44pm
yeah its a niche market, im sure you will get the market you are aiming for, though how big is that market! my parents last car was brought form a female owned and operated yard, though the only reason they bought from them at the end of the day, was that they were able to give the best price

3tomany, Feb 2, 2:58pm
theres heaps of stories here about girls getting ripped of by male machanics so imagine the senario where a mere male comes to youre garage and you unzip youre overalls just enough to get his interest, then proceed to tell him that because the rear brake pads are worn you will need to replace the diff and because he has a worn ball joint the steering rack will need replacing and all the while he will steer down youre top sayin oky dokey no problem and never hearing a word you said but you did tell him. one for the girls lol

g_k, Feb 2, 3:48pm
Sorry Sir, your spark plugs are shot, we need to replace the engine.

Seriously though, you would get in big trouble doing that haha

toominator_phil, Feb 2, 8:10pm
If you all wore the right attire I'm sure you wouldn't have any problem attracting male customers. They'll probably all be sleazy though. And you wouldn't be able to advertise as a 'full service workshop' haha

I guess another good thing is that that it would always be clean and tidy!

peter148, Feb 2, 8:44pm
Hmm grease nipples, lol

carkitter, Feb 4, 3:33am
Female mechanics are fine, it's those female soccer referees that are the real problem.

woki, Feb 4, 3:47am
Good idea , then when they arent busy in the kitchen they can service the car

cuda.340, Feb 4, 3:51am
you been watching the TUI ad too much.

purple666, Feb 4, 4:00am
Best reply yet

franc123, Feb 4, 4:04am
I think you're right, that would be a BIG problem.If you excuse the expression it would be a "vehicle" for all sorts of sleazy, sexist and condescending behaviour, no matter how competent the chick was at her job.Having an all female workshop would no doubt be a drawcard for female car owners for all the right reasons, and a drawcard for males for all the wrong ones.If the idea was a goer someone would have already done it.

roys351, Feb 4, 6:01am
i dont think us males are all that shallow

carkitter, Feb 4, 6:07am
I don't see how it's legal to not employ a mechanic because he's male. Female double standard in action again.

m4r5h411, Feb 4, 6:07am
we all hate work,its just work

pollymay, Feb 4, 7:39am
You're an idiot, they hire female only waitresses for the hamilton V8 corporate boxes and stuff. Going to moan about how you didn't get served by fat uncle joe and his hairy chest! There are other job opportunities out there so why look at one place and stand mouth agap going "that's sexist", the smart person you know, gets on with their life rather than dwell on something silly which is actually a non issue.

This is the same silly nonsense accusations that makes me avoid watching the news.

smac, Feb 4, 1:35pm
This isn't stupid at all, as I mentioned about a squilion posts further up, the Human Rights Act WILL be a factor here. It is illegal to not hire based SOLELY on gender. You must be able to show that you can use that bias for a reason. I'm not saying it couldn't be done if (for example) clientèle were limited to women only, however it most definitely is a factor, and not a silly thing to point out.

elect70, Feb 4, 5:45pm
The late SybilLLup was a brilliant mechanicput a lot of male mechs to shame . Built up her own engines for racing.Jaguar legend .

richardmayes, Feb 4, 6:16pm
Beaten to a reference to Sybil Lupp by elect70!

Good race driver, great mechanic, bit of a babe when away from cars by all accounts. To have a problem with this you'd have to twist yourself into some pretty complex philosophical knots.

ema1, Mar 12, 8:46am
Nothing wrong with them as they are every bit as capable as male counterparts, often are more so.but a Zeph says there are limitations!
That goes for both genders.