any one got any good tips to help rejuvenate the exterior of old motor cycle engines
Dec 14, 5:19pm
In frame or out!
Dec 14, 5:20pm
fine cutting compound & elbow grease. ( or bead blasting, )
Dec 14, 7:24pm
Handy Andy.paint brush on straight and scrub
Use heaps of water to flush away after
Dec 14, 7:45pm
Old tooth brush and a pot scrubber. Helps get in all the tight spots
Dec 14, 8:59pm
Rejuvenate or clean! They're different things.
Dec 14, 9:05pm
Once, being lazy, I had someone steam clean mine. Don't
Dec 14, 9:07pm
What is it, something pretty or just a dirty old jappa.
Dec 14, 10:36pm
Hot water, plenty of turtle wax,and a good scrub with a mag wheel brush.
Dec 14, 11:22pm
Some engines are painted!
Dec 14, 11:45pm
You missed a bit! I can see dirt.on the tyre!
Dec 14, 11:59pm
Ive had lots of dirty old (and new) jappas and they didnt leak oil, didnt smoke, started first time everytime, didnt take a dude in a back shed with 200 hundred years knowladge of one brand to work on them (not that they needed that often), could rely on them to get me from point A to point B without stopping every few 100kms, if that, they would do 1000kms a day day in and day out if need be no worries, miss and oil change without disintagrating into a worthless heap, would happly start no issue after not running for a week, didnt matter if you forgot to adjust some gizmo at excatly the recommened time and would not break because of it. So all in all ill stick to dirty old jappas me thinks.
Dec 15, 1:04am
I know that deep down you realy wanted ya mates duke but mum gave ya the ok for that orange jobby so that was it.
Dec 15, 1:12am
If they were that good why dont you still have them.Mine have always made it there and back under there own power.Anyway ya dont have be all sensitiveive got a jap dirt bike, a dirty klx650
Dec 15, 1:20am
Not sensitive at all lol, always ready for a good humoured dual though. And same reason I havent drivin same car all my life, Variaty is the spice of life. Although you cant apply that to marraige it seems.
Dec 15, 1:31am
Ya can but it sucks to have to pay for half ya bikes again.
Dec 15, 2:18am
Would have loved a Duke but the maintanace costs crippled it. Agent Orange doesn't need to see the dealer quite as often.
Dec 15, 12:36pm
Well its old it seems, so its either been reconditioned a number of times, or its a jappa.
Dec 15, 2:01pm
Oven cleaner. works magic especially on alloy wheels. that and a toothbrush / those green scrubby mats
Dec 15, 2:12pm
Swarfega wipes are brilliant for cleaning up the mess caused by chain oilers. I also drop the chain guard and front sprocket covers off every second wash and clean them with the cheap de-greaser aerosols from super cheap
Dec 15, 2:15pm
Baking soda and water. Make into a paste and with apply elbow grease.
Dec 16, 1:11am
Autosol and a dremel with the buffing head.
Dec 16, 1:18am
If its only gunna get dirty again just ride it.
Dec 16, 3:19am
Put a full fairing on it. Fibreglass and paint will cover a multitude of sins!
Dec 16, 4:01am
thanks for the tipsi havebought a SuzukiSavage 400 cc single bangerand of course like all new toysjust want to give it a spruce upcheers
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