Oil Change Time

linkev, Jan 27, 9:15pm
I want to change the oil in my car myself this time.
I am not sure what grade oil to use.
Car is:1994 Ford Laser aloon GLX 1.5 Litre.
Any advice appreciated.

phillip.weston, Jan 27, 9:31pm
15W40 should be fine, or if it's getting up in the kms and starting to use oil then perhaps switch to 20W50. Anything better than 10W40 is just overkill for that engine.

linkev, Jan 27, 9:49pm
Thanks for your helpful advice.
I will get some 15W40 next week.

jasongroves, Jan 27, 10:21pm
Are you sure its not a 1.6L B6 engine!
I thought the KF and KH Lasers only came with 1.3, 1.6 and 1.8L engines!
I could be wrong of course.

intrade, Jan 27, 10:26pm
dont forget to change the oil-filter also. . and make sure you do the job correctlynot to have 2 oil seals with 1 filter fitted and oil the seal of the new filter befor you fit it . in case you dontknow there is online howtos also.

jasongroves, Jan 27, 10:28pm
If it is a 1.6L:
Which actually also applies to the 1.5L.lol.
Anyway.15w-40 is fine as above:)
Just make sure the API rating is suitable.

jasongroves, Jan 27, 10:33pm
Good point, even that Gulf Western Supercheap stuff is SJ.

xs1100, Jan 27, 10:57pm
also take car for a good run before hand and try and change while still warm and if possiable i actually do it at night and then leave to drain overnight

afer_daily, Jan 28, 12:05am
got six litres valvoline sae 15w 40 synthetic blend plus a ryco filter r2154p today at ripco. no discounts/ no cards . that was the over the counter price.

the_chooky, Jan 28, 12:22am
Yer 3 things to check off. Sump plug done up. filter done up, and like intrade said make sure there's only one seal on the filter.
And have a good look for leaks after you start it.

xs1100, Jan 28, 2:14am
theres a big sale on at the moment on valvoline their semi synthetic in the brown container engine armour is a good oil

n1smo_gtir, Jan 28, 7:13am
yeah and check to make sure you can get to the filter easily with your hands. if too tight you may need an old screw driver or oil filter wrench. if ur old oil's really black and dirty, suggest u get some engine flush stuff.

brokebloke1, Jan 28, 1:09pm
I know someone who did this, but never told his wife she got into the car in the morining and got half way to work when the car seized the motor!
what was going to be a $50 oil change ended up a $2500 ish motor rebuild

xs1100, Jan 28, 2:00pm
well i actually remove the distributor cap for this reason hahaha and then actually turn over a couple times in morning.wifeeeee would probably notice it up on stands also.plse note did say probably

musikcrazee, Jan 28, 3:53pm
Thats a cool program, is that on a site or something! how can I look up my car

jasongroves, Jan 28, 5:39pm
Its a program available to purchase by people/businesses in the automotive trade.
If you post info on your vehicle and the info you require, I will supply it if I have it.

jasongroves, Jan 28, 5:40pm
If you just want basic lube info, then oil manufacturers have recommendation tools, ie;

linkev, Feb 4, 12:55am
Thanks for your help everybody,.
Changed oil today.No worries there.
Couldn't get enough room to get my hands in to get a good solid grip on filter so left that till next time.or the time after.
That frustrated me but thats life I guess.

rovercitroen, Feb 4, 1:11am
Put on a set of rubber gardening gloves. This allows your hands to stick to the filter and unscrew it quite easily unless it has been over tightened. There are good tools for oil filter removal that you can buy.

linkev, Mar 15, 3:44am
Thanks for that advice.
My first problem is working out a way to access the filter so I can be in a position to manhandle it.I can just touch it at the mo.Can't apply any twisting pressure on it at all.