Burning oil.!

moosie_21, Dec 14, 11:56pm
I've started to notice my 3SFE Celica doesn't burn oil going too and from work everyday (10km drive, gets up to temp well before I arrive) but after my 800km journey to and from Auckland this week I notived it had used around a liter of the stuff. Anyone tell me why this is! Obviously not a leak. Is my engine running too hot!

franc123, Dec 15, 12:10am
Probably the effects of oil dilution, a common problem,if an engine is used for many cold starts and short trips the oil gets contaminated with petrol and moisture, which breaks it down.When doing a long hot run the diluted oil is far more easy to burn, about the only thing you can do to reduce it is make 100% sure that the thermostat is operating properly, ie its not partially stuck open and is making it warm up as quickly as possible and that the engine is not overfuelling for some other reason eg a coolant temp sensor fault, and of course maybe adopt a plan of changing the oil a bit more regularly and/or shift up a grade of oil.Naturally this gets progressively worse as the engine wears.

beblowin, Dec 15, 12:33am
#2 well put

moosie_21, Jun 7, 10:51pm
Yeah the thermostat is working fine, had everything overhauled about 2 years ago. I always make sure the oil is topped up, and change it every 6,000 kms with semi-synthetic 10W-40. The engines done 175,000 kms, so not that bad. I always used to do longer trips, and it was burning it back then, so might be a fault somewhere else. Unless it's just the 3s series of engines, which I have heard are notorious for consuming oil.