Starter sparking like a .

mk3zephyr, Feb 6, 8:36pm
threw the starter in the 350, went to wind her over and it is sparking massively between the solenoid and motor body, even blew the wire off the terminal (not the main cable), what on earth is causing that, was turning the engine over and noticed it sparking like mad. Just a dirty old lucas starter, has had the solenoid cap replaced

mk3zephyr, Feb 6, 9:30pm
Found it , Stop looking, one of the terminals from the Solenoid to the motor was touching the motor body causing it to arc, Its going to be a spare anyway, Got a reduction starter coming.

saki, Feb 6, 10:25pm
time to go back to basic training did you find the lifter!

mk3zephyr, Mar 21, 10:15am
yes was in the young fella's nappy bag, put the engine back together this afternoon when i came across that starter arcing, didnt see it lol, Bugger of a thing to put back in, wont engage then if it does it sounds like its too close to the flywheel, in,out, in out, given up for tonight, worked perfect before and no shims came out either, still stratching my head on that