Who rebuilds mastercylinders for older cars

toyboy3, Dec 18, 10:40pm
in Auckland, asI see just brakes are on holiday. The car is a HKholden

the_don_61, Dec 18, 11:40pm
If you have a drill you can buy a hone kit and do it yourself.

a.woodrow, Dec 19, 12:18am

whqqsh, Dec 19, 12:21am
there used to be a guy in Penrose resleeved brake cylinders with seamless stainless tube, was some years ago but a search might find him or someone similar

mopar63, Dec 19, 12:24am
sterling brake and clutch,Auckland,good service too

ladatrouble, Dec 19, 12:26am
Just Brakes in Penrose/Onehunga - it's who all the others send their stuff to anyway.

xs1100, Dec 19, 2:18am
appco brake resleevers beside the bus terminal on diana drive glenfield

sr2, Dec 19, 2:19am
Good company but they usually replace with new parts. Try Transport Hydraulics in Diana Drive on the North Shore, they specialise in stainless re-sleeving .

74caro, Dec 19, 2:28am
Think theyve given up doing it, too many come backs.

74caro, Jun 21, 6:46am
Stirling sends all thiers down the road to Just Brakes too. Try Apex in hamilton, they are still open.