If any one could help I was looking at an Audi today and when I rermoved the oil cap the engine cut out I have heard that this is bad. What does it mean! Any help appreciated please otherwise the car is mint
Feb 12, 2:12am
It's part of the eco/ fume recycling system Very common these days.
Feb 12, 2:13am
It is not supposed to run with the oil cap off
Feb 12, 2:13am
You are creating a massive vacuum leak
Feb 12, 2:14am
when you take the oil cap off while runnning you also need to block the hoses that vent the blowby into the inlet system. it will have stalled becuase it will have sucked air onto the inlet system through the oil filler hole, this will have messed up the air fuel ratios seeing it will have been sucking in air after the afm, so the afm will not have been able to get the mixture right.
Feb 12, 2:18am
Okay, It wa a 1993 2300 cc engine which is alleged to be bullet proof. I was told it is not good if the engine cuts out something to do with poor compression!! The model was Audi 80. My Saab keeps going and my two Nissans. I did also notice some smoke after taking it for a quick spin and removing the oil cap.
Feb 12, 2:22am
It could be something specific to your Audi, in which case, I withdraw as I know nothing about them. :-)
But my 1971 Triumph doesn't like having the oil filler removed while she's running either!
Every engine I've owned has always had plumbing of some description between the valve/rocker cover and the inlet manifold, so that the engine will ingest and get rid of any fumes that may build up in the crank case. When you open the oil filler, the engine draws air into the inlets via the open oil filler and this plumbing, this will throw the all-important fuel/air mixture all to hell!
Feb 12, 2:24am
my honda keeps running too, as does my nissan but not as good as it should. Whoever told you that stalling when the oil cap is removed means low compression is wrong. engines that use a maf sensor instead of a afm will run normal with a oil cap removed (like my honda), but rpm will be higher.
Feb 12, 5:18am
Yep poor compression sums it up, even blowby is measured air which is the reason for it stalling when its removed
Feb 12, 3:22pm
They are supposed to stall if the oil cap is removed, they use mechanical injection and by removin the cap you have created a massive leak therefor the airflow plate drops and the engine stalls, the 5cyl will run for ever
Feb 12, 8:20pm
good replies but a little bit of advice from a bystander. It is bad practice to use an abreviation without first writing the words in full./
Feb 13, 1:50am
If its smoking then you can bet its using oil.if its cheap its probably ok but a worn engine will use oil.
Feb 13, 3:07am
If its smoking it will be valve guide seals, nothing major and can be done quite easily without removing the head
Feb 13, 3:20am
Find the breather hose from the engine cover/rocker cover/crankcase breather, connected to the Air inlet and see if it's covered in oil/filth (inside) Probably located near the air filter, before the AFM so check that too.
Feb 13, 3:25am
Have you ever seen a bosch k jetronic system!
Feb 13, 6:21pm
Dont think any car would like running & removing the oil filter , make a bloody big mess
Apr 15, 9:51pm
.hmmm.at this point.I'm guessin you are starting to feel "special" elec70!
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