Kfx50 engine upgrade

j.blk, Dec 28, 7:06pm
yeah just put one in,started off by removing collar in the clutch and then got a cdi unit of here which let it rev some more,wanting more power put the 80cc big bore kit in ,gave it heaps more take off power but need change sprockets to get top end speed up,i would like to 100cc it next time but the 80cc kits arent that bad on price,keep forgetting they are for kids but 80cc makes it fun for the adults

j.blk, Jul 20, 10:53pm
yeah just put one in,started off by removing collar in the clutch and then got a cdi unit of here which let it rev some more,wanting more power put the 80cc big bore kit in ,gave it heaps more take off power but need change sprockets to get top end speed up,i would like to 100cc it next time but the 80cc kits arent that bad on price,keep forgetting they are for kids but 80cc makes it fun for the adults,take the baffle out from end of muffler too.