Government to get new BMW's

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morrisman1, Feb 15, 1:47am
Im disgusted they have the cheek to throw around money like that. I understand that they need to keep an up to date fleet but 3 years old barely even run in! I wonder if they are getting diesels again or if nothing less than the 760Li will be good enough for them. Pity BMW don't make a van, the maori party are itching to update their fleet of 1994 Hiace minivans!

loose.unit8, Feb 15, 1:50am
The last govt signed us up to it, unfortunately.Wonder what the cost of getting out of the contract would be

clark20, Feb 15, 1:50am
Why do you care! They also get $100K of dollars, if you want it, become a politician.

jcwholesale, Feb 15, 1:55am
With the discount they would have gotten up front, right now is probably the best time to upgrade, while the old ones still have good value.
But of course you guys would have known that.

chris_051, Feb 15, 2:08am
If all of the lying cheating bastards took a $5000 pay cut a year, A. they wouldn't notice it, and B, it could buy a whole fleet of BMWs.
Suppose they are sticking to the next best thing now the Fairlane is gone, went in a VE Statresman the other day I'd say they'd do they job nicely but the BMWs probably end up the same price.

moosie_21, Feb 15, 2:14am
I could get in as PM on 2 simple platforms:

1) Reduce taxes

2) Halve my own salary when elected by giving that piece away to chairty, thereby forcing other MP's to do likewise or be seen as the evil people they are.

A Canadian as PM of NZ, oh dear!

welshdude, Feb 15, 2:18am
Where are the Aussie cars! We have CER, ANZAC and ANZUS and then spend hundreds of thou on Germans!

chevcamaro, Feb 15, 2:19am
i'd vote for you moosie, we need to demand that these public servants pull there heads in as well, well i quess we'll get a chance later this year

sw20, Feb 15, 2:21am
To do that you have to actually address the real problem. Overspending by big government.

moosie_21, Feb 15, 2:22am
Mandela did it in S.A., so what's to stop it happening here!

twink19, Feb 15, 3:08am
what is wrong with Lexus half the price,they are telling us to tighten our belts then spend up on cars,, well F! them

johnf_456, Feb 15, 3:11am
Dont care

ralphdog1, Feb 15, 4:00am
Hang on everyone, what are they going to get for the 2nd hand ones and what are they paying for the new ones!
The fact they can not disclose the purchase price may well have more to do with BMW NZ not wanting to disclose the huge discount rather than the Pollies trying to hide the cost.
Food for thought, or as soon as you say Pollie does logic fly out the window!

Diclosure statement:
Not a member of the National Party

bdogg1, Feb 15, 4:30am
I think three years is a little early to be upgrading but I also see it necessary to project an image of wealth or at least a high standard of living. You can't have Foreign dignitaries and the like reporting back that the top New Zealand government officials drive around in Hyundais. Sorry to say it but there is an outsiders perception of us that must be maintained.
If they must upgrade, and it looks like they 'must', I'd have to agree, Lexus or cheaper luxury vehicles would still suffice.

foxdonut, Feb 15, 5:39am
A few BMW's at discounted rates for the countries dignitary fleet is hardly the worst thing anyone in parliament ever wasted money on.

foxdonut, Feb 15, 5:41am
And three years is the right time to upgrade. Joe Public New Zealand might think a 2002 year model car with a 100k's on the clock is a "new car" but to the majority of people who visit the government here it isn't.

poohy99, Feb 15, 12:06pm
In other words a complete lie.

ceedoubleyou, Feb 15, 12:48pm
The news report says it is all part of the original deal, cars are to be replaced after 3 years. But it is only for this time, after the next 3 years, Govt are free to buy what they like. BMW have 'em by the short and curlies.!c_id=280&objectid=10706548

attitudedesignz, Feb 15, 12:57pm
mmmmmm look back to the '70s & '80s in south africa & south america. All the dictators had expensive German cars while the population lived way below poverty, i don't think the rest of the world were thinking 'gosh i will go & live in Sierra Leone, it must be a wealthy country because the president has 24 Mercedes Benz'.

tmenz, Feb 15, 1:01pm
Does anyone have a reasonable idea of what the old cars are worth on the second hand market!
34 x 2008, 730LD with around 50 000 km on the clock. All should be in immaculate condition.
I should imagine BMW will trade them in and look to get top dollar for them.
Rumour has it that the price for the new ones will be about $90 000 each.

attitudedesignz, Feb 15, 1:01pm
LMAO why do you believe what you read in NZHerald, the most mis-leading "news source" in NZ.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 1:09pm
I think we should pay the Politicians more. especially the PM and reward them better. but only while they are actually IN Government.

Why would you want to run the Governement on a pittance with all the BS and hassle that goes with it when you could make a LOT more running one of our bigger private companies.

For just a $1 per capita per year we could offer up a much more competitive salary for the PM and hopefully attract the best of the best.

Same goes for the rest of parliament, perhaps reduce the numbers a little but promote being a Politician as a valid career path and try an attract better quality applicants.

The ultimate saving to the country through better management should far outweigh the small cost of attracting and remunerating better candidates.

Unfortunately though, things will really only get properly better when you somehow engage the public to understand whats actually needed and whats being offered. This business of just voting for the biggest goodie bag on offer (regardless of whether its sustainable) is ruining democracy world wide.

Some times there can be tax cuts and lots of extra cash for services, but other times we need to cut back and knuckle down. People need to understand that and vote accordingly.

richardmayes, Feb 15, 3:07pm
Every employer of mine (in private enterprise) has always replaced all of the work cars on a 3-yearly basis. just sayin'.

I see CR569 especially driving around all the time. The published fuel consumption of those diesel 7 series is just spectacularly low, I don't recall what it is but I remember looking it up and being surprised.I'm sure the fuel savings over a dirty Commy or Coon alternative will have more than paid for any difference in purchase price.

I'm patriotic enough that I would prefer to see our Prime Minister arrive at work each day in a Daimler DS420 limousine, but alas we live in more sensible times.!

vtecintegra, Feb 15, 4:18pm
Depends on what they paid.

Using figures of 11.9l/100km (for a Statesman) and 7.9 (for a 730LD) try - looks like at 1000km a week the difference is ~$5k per year

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 5:24pm
I see your point regarding those who would do the job regardless of salary, however often those in a position to do as much have already had their "hayday" and also I doubt there are enough to fill the seats.

One thing that I think would well be worth a shot is putting a "Money Clock" on the wall of the debating chamber. It should be constantly ticking over the actual cost of having all those members in the room. Being able to look up and see how much money has been wasted on a petty kindergarten argument would be well worth while. Especially if that clock were always in the bottom of the T.V screen for those watching at home.

I agree completely about your comments regarding the BMW's I have no issue with our fleet looking professional and up to date. I do have issue with far greater sums being wasted in most areas of office. Its time the media dropped the side shows and investigated the real waste and mismanagement. at a local council level as well.