99 subaru gearbox d cheack

drift975, Feb 16, 7:54pm
any one know how

jasongroves, Feb 16, 8:13pm
I am confused also.
Do you mean a gearbox diagnostic check!
A drive check!
What model and transmission!

mechnificent, Feb 16, 8:22pm
To get the trouble codes out have a read here.

If it says to use the hold button and you don't have one, use the manual button.

drift975, Feb 16, 9:01pm
a gearbox diagnostic check but have ben told need a scan tool

drift975, Feb 16, 9:10pm
99 250t bh9 auto

mechnificent, Feb 16, 9:27pm
You get trouble codes for electrical problems out using the gear lever, the key and the hold or manual button. Anything other than electrical problems you check with a drive and pressure gauges.

I can give you a link to the diagnostic manual if it will do you any good.

What is the car doing! Is the trans light staying on!

mechnificent, Apr 27, 5:47am
I don't think that a 99 will respond to a scan tool, not a generic one anyway. the dealer can scan it for you though. and they will get the same information you can get with the gearlever etc.

Have you read up and tried that link I posted!