Bit of an earthquake in CHCH just now. 6.3!

skyline_guy_r34, Feb 21, 7:00pm
Its all on tv3 news. I know its motoring but us boys should be informed.

gunhand, Feb 21, 7:03pm
Bloody awfull mate, motoring dont matter at this time. bad bad news.

skyline_guy_r34, Feb 21, 7:05pm
The cathedral is well and truly shagged now. Showed pictures of parts of it falling off. Apparently there was actually 2 earthquakes. Only heard 6.3 so far though

skyline_guy_r34, Feb 21, 7:06pm
And I think the very important thing to note is the depth of it. It was 6.3 but at only a depth of 5kms it is very shallow so creates quite a lot of damage

rsr72, Feb 21, 7:24pm
A Porsche Cayenne crushed by rubble.

gunhand, Feb 21, 7:34pm
rsr72 wrote:
A Porsche Cayenne crushed by rubble.[/quote

People have did this time, who gives a f%*k.

desertcolt07, Feb 21, 7:34pm
its better looking now then

skyline_guy_r34, Feb 21, 7:37pm
And yeap gunhand is right. Theres been multiple deaths reported.

This earthquake is considered to be worse than the one in september even though it is smaller in magnitude.

gilligan2, Feb 21, 7:46pm
Hilary Barry on the news is fighting back tears. Ive heard of two metro buses in the city being crushed under falling buildings and to add insult to injury they are now saying they are out of ambulances to help people.

twink19, Feb 21, 7:54pm
its live on ch 7 Brisbane at the moment

rsr72, Feb 21, 8:32pm

v8_mopar, Feb 21, 8:54pm
:( sad day!

gunhand, Feb 21, 8:58pm
Yes very, then theres dipshits that make useless unhelpfull and quite pathetic comments as we see above. God the intelligence of some amaze me.

gasngo2, Feb 21, 9:10pm
van parked on street was flatten they believe a backpacker in it not the place to be. Lot more damage this time.

lookoutas, Feb 21, 10:41pm
Bumma! Almost worth putting something more explanative.

Hope all the petrolheads like zeph are OK.
Guess they can't let us know at the moment.

socram, Feb 21, 11:08pm
Yup.Lets hope 'our' regulars are all OK.You just can't be sorry enough for those poor folks.I love Christchurch and its people and even though I have no family down there, very, very sad and upset about this.

Maybe the best we can do up here is try a few fundraising events.

I'll happily donate 25% of the profits from our share of the May 7th Hampton Downs race meeting, in conjunction with Rally NZ, for starters.

1fordluva, Feb 21, 11:18pm

rsr72, May 14, 9:47pm
A most uncalled-for comment considering the extent of the disaster and the massive death toll so far.