Mercededs 190E with blown engine

carstauranga001, Feb 24, 1:58am
Best place to sell! I'm thinking $1 reserve auction on here. Any other thoughts!

franc123, Feb 24, 2:09am
Yes, unless ringing around some of the specialist wreckers that deal in them gets some interest.I'm not sure what the demand for second hand parts for these would be like overall, probably not great.A brief browse on here reveals to me that even if it was a good runner they are still worth squat, the resale values of used MB's in NZ is appalling, people pay more for a 1995 Starlet than they do for example a 1995 C-Class these days.

jcwholesale, Feb 24, 2:48am
That's because the c-class benz's around those years are pieces of shit

jcwholesale, Feb 24, 2:49am
Definitely $1.00 reserve. Most of my older Euro's are sold that way now. Man have they cost me money when I retail them.

carstauranga001, Feb 24, 4:27pm
Yep, sold this one and two weeks later drops a valve! Should've $1 reserve then but at 145,000km thought it was strong. Lesson learnt. (Even though I already knew)

dr.doolittle, Feb 24, 4:41pm
Try a thread in Real Estate.

saki, Feb 24, 4:41pm
Is it the cosworth engine model!

carstauranga001, Feb 24, 5:14pm
You recon there's someone there who gives a f. mate!

elect70, Feb 24, 7:55pm
good sleeperproject

ema1, May 23, 9:41pm
Quit it any way you can.Big Merc mistake is what they are!