Best place to buy replacement belt for a husqvarna

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mechnificent, Mar 2, 6:34pm
If it doesn't drive on both sides, that is if it just runs an idler on the back then you can use a "powerrated" belt which is designed to be tensioned on the back. The 1/2 by 107 inch powerrated is gates No 28107.

If you run a tape over all the pulleys you should be able to see if the 107 inch is the correct dimension.

intrade, Mar 2, 6:34pm
i know if you get just a belt that maches what is in there like one from a truck. this belt will selfdistruct in no time they are notenough reinforced. my naigbour has had a jondeer and always bitched about the expensive belts , so he went and found a truck-belt fitted it and pooff where 80$ gone and he had to buy another 150$ belt from jondeer again. The problem seems to be his was getting more and more missaligned due to rust moveing the rollers out of position causing the belt to wear . The jondeer one lasted him 6 month or so with this wear problem.

mechnificent, Mar 2, 6:39pm
Common A section belt, which is 1/2 inch wide, but not recommended for clutching is gates A105 for a 107 inch.

intrade, Mar 2, 6:40pm
yea i sent you a e-mail 2h ago thanks.

mechnificent, Mar 2, 6:48pm
Ok, better check my mail then.

robertsons-nes, Mar 2, 8:29pm
hahaha sorry should of suplied a bit more info

johanes, Mar 3, 2:43am
best i can do is 100 bucks with freight included.

friendly_prawn, Mar 3, 2:46am
Yep, was thrashing the old girl trying to cut long grass. Poor old mower was just about stalling. something had to give i guess.

friendly_prawn, Mar 3, 2:47am
havent had a chance to shop around, but will take it in with a print out of that info. cheers for your help mechnificent.

friendly_prawn, Mar 3, 2:48am
sorry, are you talking in Japanese. lol. Dont understand all that stuff. Will just take the belt and the print out in. cheers for the help though.

friendly_prawn, Mar 3, 2:49am
no worries. but yeah, gates alone had me beat. was coming up with farm gates in my search. :-)

friendly_prawn, Mar 3, 2:51am
cheers mate, thats a good price. But I managed to get one locally for around the same.
Going to try to buy an elcheapo one from an engineering firm tomorrow. will be interesting to see what happens if I can get one. Will be interesting to see how long it lasts. :-)

thanks for everyones help.think Im sussed now.
cheers guys. will report back once I get one.

mechnificent, Jun 12, 1:43pm
If the old belt was double sided, that is tapered on the back and front, then it will be because the drive pulleys are running on both sides of the belt. you will need the double sided belt.