Pretty sure the 400 one is slightly bigger. I've a 250 one that I was going to put on one of my 600s but it's a bit of a hassle finding somewhere to mount it so I haven't bothered.Needs a couple of nuts welded on around the steering head area to mount it to.You then run into issues with it being behind the headlight/numberboard so you'd need to figure out some kind of slotting to allow for airflow or it's essentially useless mounted there. You also run into issues with the wiring when mounting it there should the bike have a headlight,,crap load of wiring behind a 600 headlight and it's all in the way.Plenty of guys in the States use oil coolers but I don't think it gets hot enough in NZ to worry about them .If you want proper answers head over to Thumpertalk and ask in the 250/400 forum or the 600/650 forum.
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