hi all am a little confused about the new alcohol law re driving. have been told by a few people it is 20 and under but have been told by others that it 20 and over for zero tollerance. am not an avocate for drink driving only asking because because all the guys havr a beer on friday after work and would like to have 1 to haha.
Good for employers putting on after work drinks. All the young employees can't stay back for a drink and the old ones go home pissed. No logic in this legislation.
Jan 14, 12:31am
Lets have 16 year olds getting boozed then drive but ban their fourty year old parents better not touch the devils nectar.
Jan 14, 1:02am
haha thanks chaps to claify i am a 20 yo mechanic and just want to comfrim that if i have 1 beer after work on a friday will i be legal to drive under this new no alcohol law for under 20's
Jan 14, 1:21am
When I was young I could drink heaps and still feel in control of what I was doing. Now if I have 1 or 2 beers I feel pissed.
No logic in the legislation.
Jan 14, 1:43am
under 20 zero tolerance now.
Jan 14, 2:51am
Mate. you're making this complicated. Are you under 20! No. Right, so 20 & over rules apply. yes, you can have a beer after work.
Jan 14, 3:29am
Ahh BUT --is itonce you are 20or is it once you are OVER 20!
Jan 14, 3:37am
Well you only stay 20 for a day.
Jan 14, 3:47am
Feel in control, and be in control, are two vastly different things all together.
Sep 18, 1:54pm
The above quote is why we now have this law. What a retard.
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