Law change 25 march

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liggy2, Jan 30, 9:06pm
How many people will have mishaps when the left turn law is changed back so they have the right of way. How many are aware of the reason the law was changed in the first place! This was because of the number of rear endings of cars waiting to turn right resulting in multiple road deaths. I predict there will be great confusion and a number of drivers wont even be aware of the change in the first place.

studio1, Jan 30, 9:10pm
Many drivers don't even understand the rules as they are right now. Changing them is going to cause a lot of confusion. Panelbeaters are gonna be busy!

intrade, Jan 30, 9:10pm
you know that 90% traffic lights are wrong setup for that changeover.

richard198, Jan 30, 9:14pm
Wind up!

intrade, Jan 30, 9:17pm
no you go and look at where you got to give way to right turning traffic because both have a geen light in whangarei alone there is at least 2one is right outside the cops building. once you dont have to give way to the right turning traffic how are they going to turn! its hard enough now there to get somone turn and give way to- rightso you can go while you got a green light.

liggy2, Jan 30, 9:23pm
Traffic lights will be updated according to todays dom post but drivers minds will be way behind and no Richard its not a "windup"

gmphil, Jan 30, 9:24pm
thought this change, only aplied too non controlled tee intersections!

liggy2, Jan 30, 9:25pm
Studio you are right - there are heaps of drivers who don't know they have to give way to traffic on their right when turning at uncontrolled intersections ie if the car on your right is turning right then you have to give way to that vehicle.

intrade, Jan 30, 9:25pm
its 1 month i have not seen anyone fix them lights with extra turn signal and i bet they wont do so untill at least 100 cars are smashed up and smashed in to the restaurants at the intersection. We should go back to horse riding thats what it would look like if we where going back to that.

liggy2, Jan 30, 9:26pm
gmphil go and have another look - it is at all intersections even those controlled by traffic lights with no right turning option. Right turning traffic will have to give way!

smac, Jan 31, 7:49am
I'll go out on a limb here and say there won't be any carnage. As long as it's advertised enough so everyone knows about it, people will so cautious nothing will happen. Take a look at what happens when traffic lights are out (flashing orange). Carnage! Nope, everything comes to a stand-still.

I believe (read some place.can't find it now) that overseas in similar rule changes the accident rate dropped.

pebbles61, Jan 31, 7:55am
I'm gonna be scared on my motorcycle.=[

morrisman1, Jan 31, 8:04am
Im insured but I cant afford to change cars so I think the following year is going to involve 150% attention.

"Are they pulling out! No. Are you sure! Yes - go." That will be the process to go through every time I have right of way.

richard198, Jan 31, 8:56am
That sounds dangerous! Those lights obviously will need fixing but they don't account for 90%!

fordcrzy, Jan 31, 9:10am
i cant wait for the LTSA/NZ/VTA or what ever they are called this week to come up with a cutesie wootsie little furry character to head the ad campaign to "educate" people.

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 31, 9:13am
It applies to all intersections just as the current rule except it becomes give way to the left, not the right.

pup2, Jan 31, 9:24am
Always found the right hand rule easy. If they are going to hit your drivers door, give way. Way to simple though.

pup2, Jan 31, 9:24am
Unless on a round about, then you give way to the right again

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 31, 9:55am
That's only because it's controlled by a GIVE WAY sign on each entry point which takes precedence. And even if it were not there, by following the road around the roundabout you are going 'straight' in that you are not deviating from the path of the centreline so you are not turning and therefore have right of way

i-n-horz, Jan 31, 12:37pm
Ride'n a scoot rules don't apply.have to beware of everyone all the time in every and any situation from front to back,left and right.

pup2, Jan 31, 6:47pm
and that is why i don't understand the idiots that indicate left coming onto a roundabout and go straight through.

pup2, Jan 31, 6:48pm
or push bike

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 31, 7:40pm
LOL only the idiots themselves understand that!

socram, Jan 31, 7:50pm
Not as bad as those who exit the roundabouts with the right indicator flashing.
Give it a few months and you'll all wonder what the fuss was about.
If Kiwis were more considerate in letting drivers into and across the traffic, there would never have been any need for the rule in the first place.What is so wrong with waving a driver across when he/she is wanting to turn right!Does one car length make that much difference to your own journey!
It is far more dangerous travelling overseas, expecting others to give way at traffic lights for example, with equally predictable results.

There is no point whatever in having road rules that are the opposite of every other developed country.Just change the selfish attitudes on the road and drive with some consideration for other users - especially in town -and life will be so much better for all of us.

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 31, 8:00pm
Selfish attitudes are impossible to legislate for. Look at the right lane hogs: they don't care that they're only supposed to be in the right lane under certain circumstances.