BYO oil and filter

billyfieldman, Mar 6, 3:09pm
How much is reasonable to pay a mechanic to change your oil and filter if you supply your own engine oil and filter!

toyboy3, Mar 6, 3:11pm

m16d, Mar 6, 3:12pm
Crikey mate, if you've gone to the trouble of buying the stuff, then do it yourself.

cuda.340, Mar 6, 3:13pm
i agree

intrade, Mar 6, 3:25pm
i usually charge 30 and 40 for 4x4 for oil and filter supplyed. But you myght as well learn to do it your self i dont know if a haynes manual cover simple things like oil changes, there is a few things to know and do correct like lubing the oil filter seal and not damaging or overtighten or undertighten the new filter. plus the correct oil for your car etc.

robertsons-nes, Mar 6, 3:42pm
precisely if you managed to make sure you got the right filter and oil then you should be able to learn how to do the job and save yourself some buxs as well

clark20, Mar 6, 4:43pm
What do you guys do with the old oil!

jasongroves, Mar 6, 4:51pm
I keep some of it for keeping my sons bike, scooter etc lubed, also good when you run out of CRC and need to loosen a nut, or if you are putting a nut onto a rusty thread.
The rest goes to the dump.costs $1 per litre at mine so I try to keep that to a minimum. If I'm doing a change for someone else, they take it away and dispose themselves.
For bulk lots, there are people that will take it or even pay for it as it can be re-used in a number of ways.

intrade, Mar 6, 4:56pm
i turn it in to WMO to run my diesel on.

cuda.340, Mar 6, 5:03pm
put it back in the empty oil container & leave it at the gas station.

r15, Mar 6, 6:25pm
works real well for killing unwanted weeds. from the ground , to the ground.

but of course i dont do that, or reccommend that

robertsons-nes, Mar 7, 12:50am
yeh cause nothing will ever grow there again not that i know from exprience

tractor9, Mar 7, 2:23am
You could dump it into the Gulf of Mexico.

flat_white_ltd, Mar 7, 2:28am
can't, mate. apparently it's full.

christhebuild3r, Mar 7, 2:42am
i tip it around the garden, it came from the ground, so im just putting it back.

intrade, Mar 7, 6:20pm
huge fines for that my mate got a warning from council not to wash waterbased paint brushes in back of the shop next time it be 300$ fine just for that.

phillip.weston, Mar 7, 6:23pm
I take mine to the local dump/transfer station. They have a spot for waste oils/paints etc.

jono2912, Mar 7, 6:58pm
Where to take used antifreeze!

robertsons-nes, Mar 8, 1:18am
you can actually put that down the toilet no problems

johnf_456, Mar 8, 1:24am
Bottle it, then dispose of it one of the many ways I have of getting rid of stuff I don't want.

dr.doolittle, Mar 8, 1:46am
Perhaps you could mix it with the oil.

yogibearz, Mar 8, 5:41pm
take anti freeze to the radiator repairer he can dispose of it

rod525, Mar 8, 10:17pm
Not if your rural, it will bugger your septic/biocycle system.

pete_iam, Jul 1, 3:14pm
old oil free to dump at local refuse