Nissan Primera 98. It has buggar all power in first then lunges to second. Thoughts on this being a computer or mechanical issue. Only just starting doing it. Thanks for your thoughts. Its been great until now.
Mar 8, 10:06pm
How is it running when not being changed manually in tiptronic mode!
Mar 8, 10:20pm
will take it for spin in a tick in tiptronic mode, just drove it around the block without tiptronic and it was quite jerky (almost like it was low on gas, or misfiring). No lights on the dash to suggest anything wrong.
Mar 8, 10:49pm
trans fluid! flush
Mar 8, 10:52pm
Sweet, some idea of how many km's are on the car and what if any history on transmission fluid changes might help too.
Mar 9, 12:06am
140km on the clock, no idea on service history, ive only owned for 12 months. Seems to shift fine in tiptronic mode.
Mar 9, 1:19am
no, will try the dead reset now. Thanks.
Mar 9, 1:44am
Well fancy that, i think it may have done something (the dead reset). I took it for a quite test drive and its certainly a lot better, if not perfect. Will let the missus use it tomorrow so if it craps out it wont be my problem. Why would a dead reset help though!
Mar 9, 1:58am
I would still get the transmission fluid replaced (use genuine fluid) if you intend to keep the car for a while.
Mar 9, 1:58am
I am confused. you said it didn't shift nicely in tiptronic mode! In CVT mode it shouldn't shift (as such) at all just provide smooth power and the revs should increase and hold when you apply more power. It is definitely a CVT and not an auto we are talking about here!
Also. if you have no history of servicing get it serviced now! Make sure the genuine CVT fluid is used (yes it will cost a bit) and that it is flushed properly when changed. The one thing you never ever want to do with a CVT is neglect to service it on time every time.
Best of luck!
Mar 9, 2:00am
Do you know what engine is int it!
Mar 9, 2:04am
Yeah, its a 6 speed M6 HyperCVT primera. I have been meaning to get a service done on the cvt, quote was around $350. In CVT mode you could feel the change between 'gears' especially 1 and 2. Can't now.
Mar 9, 2:05am
QR20DE is the engine.
Mar 9, 2:08am
that's strange as jazz said a cvt doesn't really shift gears. Therefor you shouldn't notice any jerking. Definitely get it serviced. Also correct me if im wrong but these do have timing chain issues which cause the timing to go wild and can cause low power and jerking/shuddering. Just a thought any way.
Mar 9, 2:15am
Yeah, the CVT has been smooth, only now are we getting these problems. Will get it serviced next week and see whats what.
Jul 6, 2:57pm
Take it to nissa, and get them to do flush and put it on computer first before spending money on service
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