tonight according so someone on Genereal thread. heck I hope it is not true.
Mar 10, 7:41pm
10c a litre only equates to an extra $6 for a 60L tank. On your average 2L car 60L will get you 600-700km around town driving. Say you travel 30kms a day (more than ample amount of travelling to work etc for the little cities of NZ. thats 3 weeks petrol. $2 extra a week.
Doesnt sound so bad now does it!
If it hurts your wallet that much, buy one less thing you dont NEED in your shopping each week, dont get that coffee on your lunch break one time a week, downgrade your lotto ticket $2 a week (if your silly enough to buy lotto).
Plenty of ways to offset a fuel increase without it affecting your life or your stress levels.
Mar 10, 8:08pm
OT, but how else will the average Joe ever have a chance to get his hands on a few million dollars for very little outlay. Working 40 or so hours a week aint going to get it. If your not in, you will NEVER get the chance.
Mar 10, 8:12pm
Thats the whole point of gambling. The odds of winning Powerball + First division is 1 in 38 million. Lotto is a dangerous form of gambling, its passive but is routinely. Lotto is worse than going to the casino or betting on horses, which is what people label as actual gambling, And funny how A lot of people dont see lotto as gambling, but a chance to win money and change your life. Yet that is what gambling is all about. Im going around in circles.
Mar 10, 8:17pm
Dizzy yet!
Mar 10, 8:20pm
I don't care how people might see it as gambling or not. A measly $5 a week for a chance of winning a few million, seems an easy choice to me, would take me the rest of my life and then some to earn that. If you can't afford it that is a different story - I can. I personally know two people who have won first division Lotto, one by himself and another shared with four others - they are cruising.
Mar 10, 8:46pm
lotto ain't that silly, won more than what I have put into it. Nothing wrong with spending a tiny bit, yea for sure if your a big gambler.
Mar 10, 8:50pm
i dont smoke so my12.50 a week no problim mite get lucky one day
Mar 10, 8:53pm
Most smokers will smoke more than that some a pack a day if not more so yip we are saving big time for not smoking.
Mar 11, 2:46am
Why don't you up your odds and spend $100 per week!
Mar 11, 3:17am
+1 bang on. Its not so long ago that gas was 1/2 the price it is now. Hell I dont exactly consider myself old, but when I started driving gas was well under a dollar. How much has gas gone up in say, the last 5 years alone! 10c may not be a lot but $1 plus is. The rises just keep rolling out , not even weeks apart now, only days.
Mar 11, 1:25pm
when petrol was last 2.10 the us barrel was 130$ us. the problem now is that the government hellen clarkistan and jon with her keys have added about 30 cent extra tax since the last time of 2.10 and 130us-barel. I recall jon with no keys telling everyone i would remove gst temporarely to ease the pump price back then when hellen-clarkistan was ruleing. and what hasjon-with golden keys said just dais ago. yesthere is little we can do about it.
Mar 11, 1:38pm
its easy enough to say its fine its only an extra $2 a week but then u add the extra they have put on food now EG a loaf of beard is now $1.69 to last tues when it was $1.56 thats an extra 13 cents just like that
Mar 11, 1:50pm
bread for that price has got 0 nutrition anyhow , i would recommendyou bake your own with real flouer and find local markets that have reasenable prices, With food you got joices,with fuel for car you got no joice and only limmited joice if you got extended knowlage on how to make your own fuel
Mar 11, 2:03pm
LOL, already been trimming shite loads off the budget just to cope with everything else thats gone up
Don't smoke/ drink/ sex is scarce/ share BB with 6 ppl & even my computer is shared. Walk to local shops/ buy s-h clothes/ recycle just about everything/ have an active garden/ drink cordial instead of soft drinks or coffee & use recycled packaging for trademe. Don't buy lotto/ HELL, don't gamble on anything like that.
what else should I cut down on!
Mar 11, 2:10pm
LOL, when I started driving petrol was sold by the gallon & it was 48 cents a gallon (4.5 ltr) Yep still driving but NOTHING like the distances I used to. Heck, even in the last 4 years, my distances have dropped dramaticly. Used to go touring once a month or 2 weeks, but can't afford to do that anymore. Haven't been up past jaffaland in the 10 years, can't afford it.
Mar 11, 2:12pm
i hope you dont drink cordial with aspartame as sugar replacment. or you can book in for chemo therapy and radiation soon.
Mar 11, 2:24pm
No idea. Not worried anyway as just about done my time on this rock, unless they have a living cure for old age.
Mar 11, 2:51pm
I'm getting old enough to say now: "Well, back in my day." and I'm only 24! When I first came to NZ in 2001 I remember the price of 91 hovering around $1. Here's some nostalgia for you:
It has more than doubled in 10 years. Frankly, that's way out of line with inflation and is only happening because of an unregulated market full of jittery speculators, and a government that sees it as a major donation to their piggybank!
Mar 11, 2:54pm
My father's been drinking diet coke for over 30 years now because he's diabetic, and our family's prone to cancer, but he doesn't have it. I'd rather die of that than diabetes or the multitude of things that come with being overweight from drinking sugary drinks. Don't believe everything you read.
Mar 11, 3:42pm
aspartamedid not exist 30 year agogood luck aspartame screws your diabetis over big time i know that to be fact. mates diabetis 4 and after a bottle gingerbeer with aspartame it was 12 then 8 up anddown like mad. I think he stoped drinking it now since he seen what i told him was just about correct. he is borderline diabetic only. also asparame is a addictive substance , and on tv3 news a few weeks ago they said the usa and other county reinvestigate now why so much people have strokes when drinking diet drinks, i know already why because aspartame causes 94 sidefects and the the toxins get stored in the body .
Mar 11, 3:45pm
1972 - Oil is just over $US2 a barrel in dollars of the day.
biker theres only so much you can change more so for the low income familys like me we live 30km away from the nearest hospatil how are we ment to get there in the middle of the night if our sons sick yes theres the ambo but thats only one way and then thats $50 od dollars we only just get enough to cover everything now but with food going up as well as petrol somethings got to give !
Mar 11, 4:12pm
Problem then is the more you charge, the less customers you have & the more ppl will expect for the $$
Mar 11, 4:36pm
They come out with new investigations every single day saying this and that. They can't get anything right. Here it says the myths and hoaxes about aspartame have been refuted! The FDA has called its safety "clear cut". It also says those toxins are quickly taken out of your system, and only appears to be deadly if you have a very rare condition called phenylketonuria:
This could go on forever. Let's agree to disagree and stick to motoring eh!
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