Wrecked XF Fairmont.do I?

chargerchick, Mar 11, 8:14pm
Run it as an auction or should I put it under a classified. I have never listed a wreck before so not sure which one to use. A classified is cheaper but will an auction get more attention.Any advice would be muchly appreciated :)

3tomany, Mar 11, 10:54pm
if you start youre auction at what the wreckers will pay things can only get better from there

chargerchick, Mar 12, 6:47am
Cheers tomany, Pweew someone answered me,lol. Yer that's the conclusion I came to as well. I could take it to the wreckers but would much rather see it go to some one who loves these cars as much as I do,lol

hatchback, Mar 12, 8:45am
And were you DIC when this happened!

pollymay, Jul 13, 2:19pm
Of course they were dick, they crashed it