Did you think yr old engine oil is waste!To be recycled by some random!To make that random some $ !WRONG.What you do is filter the oil through a cloth to another container, then mix with your petrol at 200mls per 5 litres. So every 5litres becomes 5.2 litres of fuel, 20litres petrol is 20.8 litres fuel. So if you get an extra almost a litre(8oomls) per 20 litre buy, you save $2.40. Sure yr car will smoke like a two stroke motor bike, but see it as a protest at govornment pricing . LOL but true. Ps,run clear petrol at wof check.
Mar 14, 2:40am
are you on drugs! or just sniffing petrol too much!
Mar 14, 2:44am
No drugs john, just savings, you should see my kids 2 stroke bikes smoke an smell all day long,.
Mar 14, 3:03am
You have got to be f**king kidding me. Maybe you should drink this concoction instead and see how things go
Mar 14, 3:06am
Used motor oil contains many heavy and carcinogenic metals such as arsenic and lead, which is the reason we cant burn in in something as cold as an internal combustion engine.
Mar 14, 3:17am
Sounds like you use to work at the baileys818 nightclub mixing drinks
Mar 14, 3:46am
Do you like changing injectors& fuel filters regularly & smoking out other traffic.
Mar 14, 5:30am
Adding oil to your petrol lowers the octane rating. It'll probably clog your cats as well.
Mar 14, 7:57am
You can always restore the octane level by adding methynol or kerosine to the mixture
Mar 14, 8:40am
Which costs.
Run your cars on full methanol and it'll be sweet. 70cents a litre from some places and even if you have to pour it in works out cheaper except that it eats and corrodes everything, oh well at least it'd smell sweet.
Mar 14, 3:06pm
So where does the lead come from!
I just use some of the the old engine oil to lubricate the chainsaw.Strain, filter, re-label,sell the remainder to Burger King for frying their chips.
Mar 14, 3:25pm
Many typical standard jap cars are made a little bit tame/safe like the compression ratio is 10to1 ,detontion is usually found above 11to1 so having slightly lowered octane level wont strart detonation and if it did then retard timing just a bit,most japan cars are made a little on the rich side so adding oil will have car run a little leaner,and keep car at a good fueling rate.If youused 20litres per weekyou would save $120 per year.Bugger this im going shopping today:-)Gunna spend my savings !
Mar 14, 4:03pm
ummmm you dont add it to your petrol caryou smurfand filtering it with a cloth wont do jack to filter the abrasive material. Here is what will happen your fuel filter will block up andthe seals of your injection system from the petrol engine including rubbersget rooted over time. why do you think you drain a tank of diesel out when you accidently filled diesel in a petrol car. because it roots the fuelsystem if you dont and the car wont run on oil. . Now having said this 200 mill wont do much harm to a older petrol car but unfiltered waste oil will clog the fuel-filterand fuel filter are expensive as hell for a injected petrol car.
Mar 14, 4:14pm
waste engine oil contans no morecarsenogens then diesel and petrol and 100% no arsenic . Arsenic,, walking bear feet on treated h4 timberis whereyou get poisened from. Here is how to correctly use waste oil on internal combustion engines . Diesel burn oil rudolf diesel and the other inventer of the diesel engine made this engine to run on oil. They used peanut oil back then as no petrol or diesel did exist back then. You need to run acentrifuge to clean waste oil down to 5 micron easy and with no mess. That oil then can be mixed in with diesel only on older diesel with no electronic and with no emission crap egr.I run my toyota 1982hilux engineat timeson 100% wasteoil sinceyears nowthe problemsstart at below 16 degree the oil gets to heavy and needsmixing with more and more diesel the colder it gets to be able to coldstart.
Mar 15, 1:28am
No-one cares about polutants, polutants are produced at the factories that pump smog all night long while we are happily asleep,then we wake up and get taxed hard each day. Factories,steel smelters (all industry) are mass producing filth into the sky but indervisuals want their product, if factories wereheld to stipulated "acceptable limits" then none wood pass and all would close,thats an immediate tax loss,instead its re-worded to make each car user feel responsable,then we complain less about tax, hey presto govornment has income from both sides . ! So if using my approach to fuel saving you decrease the amount of petrol you buy AND you decrease the turnover made by oil refiners,, its like a double wamy,,Look govornment we can speak, we are putting up a strong arguement to yr fuel tax. and as for injecters/fuel filters go,, 2 stroke engines still filter fuel on the way to motor an ijecters will be fine. mazda rotory engines are oil/fuel mix any way, I say oil up today.
Mar 15, 1:46am
So it would appear you are one of the ."Aw if you can't beat em .join em brigade!"by adding your percentage of pollution into the equation ! Lubrication oil is produced for that specific purpose and when it gets re constituted it's done by specialist companies who know what they are doing .fool!
Mar 15, 1:52am
so what about mixing it with diesel!sounds potentially plausable in a diesel
Mar 15, 1:57am
The amount of polution and huge amount of heat produced in a smelterduring the production of one car is huge,equal to about 20 yrs useage of that car, chances are the car will be bac at smelter within 15 yrs, Smelters and steel industry are massive producers of filth,oh and the occasional radiation accident,, i feel responsible for nothing.
Jul 20, 8:53pm
Someone els earlier in thread is using oil in a diesel , no probs, Id say its fine in a diesel as diesel is a oily fuel any way,,if you refine and purifie diesel more you get petrol,and people think about it,, Gull is adding 5% an 10% bio oils to their petrol. Dilute today its all good.
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