Scooters and Mopeds advice please.

franko171, Mar 15, 2:13am
yes thanks 2 acc

johnf_456, Mar 15, 2:15am
Not to acc only, but the fact is a some morons on 2 wheels can't drive (keyword some incase you miss it). The sort that put everyone else at risk by there stupidity driving at 150k a hour then consider it walking, so sadly everyone gets all put in the same group. The idiots ruin it for the ones that have a brain.

johnf_456, Mar 15, 2:22am
Haha, each to there own. Yeah but they do not always die the first time they do 150, just saying its higher risk. Oh and before its turned into a speed debate its not just speed being the factor of acc. There is many reasons for accidents, but yip you get accidents on idiots and non idiots. But often the idiots been more than the non idiots.

sr2, Jul 21, 11:19am
LOL +1. It's a sad fact of life that a small "fender bender" in a car involves only a little panelbeating to fix whereas the same impact on a bike needs a lot of ACC to fix. I can personaly vouch for that!