VW Passat 4 Motion

krisg1, Jun 30, 5:02am
Any opinions on NZ New vs Import!

intrade, Jun 30, 2:06pm
nz newyou got more chance to figure if it is true milage. with imports you got 0 chance to ever be sure. also other service history is most times non existing on imports. plus fresh imports could be highly radioactive you wont know unless you got a giger meter.

bigfatmat1, Jun 30, 2:16pm
the green glow would be a give away

hrt, Jun 30, 2:29pm
And the fact a car is NZ new doesn't mean it has a service history

krisg1, Jun 30, 2:39pm
I can prob get a service history and not worried at all about the radio active bit - I'm sure I get more radiation from my cell phone and microwave - leaning towards the NZ New and just sucking up the cost of cam belt change 30k earlier.

ashwattau, Jun 30, 4:25pm
Nah the only way any of us can be "sure" the radiation levels are within safe limits is to measure them. Anything else is guesswork, and wishful thinking.

johnf_456, Aug 16, 10:07pm
Perhaps talk to Homer Simpson.