BEST place - COMPLETE Transmission service AKLND?

michael.benn, Jun 24, 10:39pm
Where in Auckland can I get the best complete transmission service (flush, new filter, the works) for a decent price and a very good job! Want to get my Accord's transmission done, asap.

crzyhrse, Jun 24, 10:42pm
Otahuhu Automatics.

michael.benn, Jun 24, 11:22pm
Any more!

michael.benn, Jun 25, 12:26am
I'm trying to extend the lifespan of my Accord's automatic gearbox.

-It's been acting up a bit lately.

I've had it (the accord) since end of march and this is the first time it's done this sort of thing; I'm assuming the transmission needs a good flush at the very least.

clark20, Jun 25, 1:05am
Try Honda

michael.benn, Jun 25, 5:41pm
Anywhere else!

michael.benn, Jun 25, 8:09pm
ty =]

crzyhrse, Jun 25, 11:10pm
Apparently we're not allowed to use tinyurl links. Yep, you better believe it. So here's the post they deleted, without a tinyurl. You'd think they'd have better things to do, but apparently not.

michael.benn, Jun 25, 11:39pm
Checked my fluid . it's a brownish color. Apparently not good.

johnf_456, Jun 26, 12:04am
Tinyurl's have always been banned as they are considered a security risk (you don't know what the link is until you click on it and spammers could use them to hide the real link). Hence them banned.

michael.benn, Jun 27, 12:57am
I'll be taking my car here-

They seem to know what they're doing and they're in Henderson, not too far from Glen Eden.

If anyone has heard good or bad things about them, do tell.

vjregal770, Jun 27, 12:59am
Auckland Automatics in Onehunga

groovebox, Jun 27, 1:13am
+1 for Otahuhu. Auto

Just had a full flush and so on - $280 or so. Car goes a LOT better! Never had it done - just topped up the fluid. Worth the $. Am happy.

michael.benn, Jun 28, 6:20am

Should I still get a flush as well! =S

What does a general automatic transmission service contain!

michael.benn, Jun 28, 6:20am
Also is this place reputable!

They're not far from unitec, is all.

jono2912, Jun 28, 6:45am
When unsure about tinyurls, put preview. before. IE

johnf_456, Jun 28, 6:47am
I know how to but if you read it correctly that is trademes point of view, perhaps think first. Hence the term "as they are", meaning not me. Trademe make the rules not the members and that is how trademe sees it. You and me know how to, not to mention other similar services like tinyurl but not everyone is clued up which is why trademe place a generic ban on the sort of links.

michael.benn, Jun 28, 5:23pm
Anyone want to comment on the actual thread.

michael.benn, Jun 29, 11:10pm
Got it done at Mt Albert Automotive - Guys were brilliant there, car is driving a hell of a lot nicer. Top notch. Cost was $249 GST Inclusive.

tuttyclan, Jun 29, 11:28pm
So no more problems with it shifting up and down now.

michael.benn, Jun 29, 11:45pm
It does still kick down after changing up every so often, but the changes themselves are way smoother, and it doesn't feel like it's straining anymore.

michael.benn, Jun 29, 11:45pm
It's a much smoother drive.

74caro, Jun 30, 1:17am
Try these guys. are in Point Chev, Great north road. Have used them before and very happy with the results.

bae13, Aug 15, 9:53am
surprisingly a common thought amoung nz car owners,rather than' id better see a trans specialist and tell them whats happening and get them to advise me what needs doing'. notim the owner i know my car best