Stolen car. Car got stolen people might put on trade me dont buy it frg813 grey 4 door skyline 5 tints on the windows looking fo

watermo, Jun 28, 7:35pm
car got stolen people might put on trade me dont buy it FRG813 grey 4 door skyline 5% tints on the windows looking for car

afer_daily, Jun 28, 11:55pm
all you need now is that clown / if you get it back /with his self promating spiel .but good luck anyway .

berg, Jun 29, 12:13am
Another "scudline" goes walk-a-bout. If I was an insurance company I wouldn't touch one with a bargepole.

v8cougar, Jun 29, 12:38am
somehow i dont think they will list in on trademe with those numberplates FRG813

tcos, Jun 29, 2:35am

johnf_456, Aug 10, 6:59pm
OH dear