Your telling me nothing, I was not amussed. I dont pretend to be a mechanic in any way shape or form so rely on them to sort shit out, It would have made a good SCU program after it collapsed at 100kph.
Jun 28, 4:08am
HMMMMUMMMMMERRRRRRI really like the owner and He is good to me so I dont blame him. But his tractor mechanic no longer works there.
Jun 28, 4:11am
Oh and Powerzone in balcutha found it, the young fella in there is excellent, he sorted a few other issues as well, bike run sweet as after he had it. he researched the bike and any known issues, talked to CHCH shop etc even before getting bike to find another we problem which he did.
Jun 28, 4:11am
LOL. I think I know who you are talking about. If so, they are usually good.
Jun 28, 4:11am
Hayabusa story fixed for you!
Jun 28, 4:13am
Has the owner won isle of man!
Jun 28, 4:14am
LOL 100,300 same end result, although at 300 it may have taken a day or two to find all the bits.
Jun 28, 4:23am
Wasnt SPV in dunedin was it!
Jun 28, 4:25am
Ummmm, I take the 5th on that LOL. And that useually means.
Jun 28, 4:32am
CV joint!
Jun 28, 4:33am
Yeeeeaa thats it, well done, the chocy fish is in the mail.
Jun 28, 4:33am
Bunch of tossers. Took my rs250 in there to get an exhaust pipe welded up at the rear flange. Dropped it off on the thursday heard nothing from them until i rang them on the saturday where they tell me give us a few hours ( this was a 30 minute job at best). Go to pick it up. they spin me a bullshit story about having to take the bike apart etc to get it all cocher and that the pipe was put on and taken off 5 or six times to get it right. End cost! $290.00. Ride the bike back to invercargill and it had broken off again. Had my mate at sheetmetal craft weld it up again, he had it 45 mins and it was done.
Oh, bugger. I dont really want to slag anyone at all as this is a public forum and its surprising who reads these. And i was treated very very well in other areas and dealings, but surprised your probs were so recent.
Jun 28, 4:44am
The thing that really pissed me off was when the guy was desperately trying to justify why it had taken so long and cost so much, after I told him that I knew exactly how hard it was to get the pipes off given I had rebuilt the engine two months earlier.
Im not slagging anyone off , merely stating fact.
Jun 28, 4:47am
True enough, facts are facts. And they couldnt find a fueling fault that I new what it was myself either but didnt have the know how to fix, again Powerzone fixed it up no prob.
Jun 28, 4:51am
Yes they thought I was a simpleton acid dropping yahoo because of the bike i was riding. The only reason I went there was because i was out of town and couldnt ride it home in that state.
Jun 28, 4:55am
well I was in there looking one day and just asked about servicing etc and they said, no probs. and anyone who has won the IOMTT gets my respect and should no abit about bikes I would have thought or at least employ skilled mechanics. I was abit wrong. But they did well on a ZX14 I brought from them, got the same price for my Bussa as a trade as i paid for it 2 years previous.
Jul 16, 3:26pm
Mine just started making the a clicking sound that goes away with a slight application of the brakes as well. Its an 03 busa......what did you end up doing to fix it?
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