BMC "A" Series engine interchangability (Mini/Mog)

moby, Jun 20, 12:37am
It's been a couple od decades since I blackened my fingernails in the guts of a morrie minor, but a mate has bought one with a poked donk and has asked me for advice. It has a 948 in it, and I always used to put 1098 van/Farina motors in them no worries. He has a 998 mini motor which he was given with the car and wants to put that in. I reckon it wont work because the moggie has a flange on the crank where the flywheel fits wheras I beleive the min has a splined shaft arrangement. I can't be sure however as I've never dismembered a min. Who's right !.

attitudedesignz, Jun 20, 12:38am
I'm 99% sure you're correct mate.

jmma, Jun 20, 12:52am
Im 100% sure you are right,

nathanmac, Jun 20, 12:59am
i'm sorry but you're still going to have to wait for john's +1 confirmation before you can make an informed decision. 199% is still 1 short apparently!

morrisman1, Jun 20, 1:06am
cannot interchange the FWD versions with the RWD versions as a general rule. The only time ive seen it done was a MG metro turbo engine into a morry minor

supernova2, Jun 20, 2:02am
The crank is totally different therefore nowhere to put the flywheel, clutch etc.Dont know about the block as i've never compared them.

smac, Jun 20, 3:49am
It CAN be done, but there's still enough RWD units out there hiding under benches and in wood sheds that I really wouldn't think it was worth the hassle.

franc123, Jun 20, 3:58am
Yep, if you were after more grunt you'd try and find a 1275 out of a Marina car or van before attempting to adapt a FWD unit, they are still around but obviously not as easy to get as they used to be.Or else just get another 948 or 1100 from another MM, or even do up the existing engine depending on whats wrong with it.I think you can still pick up piston/bearing/ring kits for them cheap enough.

clark20, Jul 7, 4:42am
The motor and block are the same but the cranks are different, so you need a RWD crank. Be careful if you buy a crank to match big end and main bearing sizes because there are differences depending on (edit) engine size etc.