New engine rebuild help

hollyshaw, Jun 19, 3:46am
I've had my engine rebuilt (3sge gen 2 mr2) and i'v put it all together and is ready to go back in. Just wondering (been my first rebuild)what I need to do, like how do I prime the oil pump, and what is the best run in technique to get it to running the best. Also which oil do I use to run it in on!
Any help appreciated.


intrade, Jun 19, 3:58am
did you reassemble the engine! you want to fill oil somwhere while reassembling. like on a 2.2 toyota diesel there is a plug on front housing that goes direct to oilpump. also you should have oiled the conrod bearings etc on assembly.
If you did not do or manage to do any of thisyou want to turn the engine over by hand without plugs till you see oil come out the camshaft then crank it with starter till oil light is out also refill the new oilfilter with oil unless its fitted so it could drain. .
Running in you dont use special oils no more just use normal mineral oil not sysntehtic to begin with and nures it the first 1000km then give it plenty so it wont be a slug after.

hollyshaw, Jun 19, 4:16pm
I had the short block assembled in the shop and some work done on the head. i didn't use any oil on the oil pump (my bad). so what grade oil do i use for the start! I normally use Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 Oil 4L on my cars. so would Castrol GTX Modern Engine 15W-40 be alright to use!

intrade, Jun 19, 4:28pm
any goodquality mineral oil be ok just nothing synthetic to begin with. change oil and filter at 1000km

toyboy3, Jul 2, 7:04am
fill the oil filter before screwing it on the engine