Cleaning engine? (simple)

groovebox, Jun 16, 6:02am
I car is working great but the top of the engine is dirty and greasy.down the sides of it (eg: tricky to get to). When I look at some pics on TM here some engines of 2nd hard cars are like brand new. My mechanic said not to worry.

But.who does this kind of thing and I wonder what the cost would be! Just a standard sedan.

murdoko, Jun 16, 6:10am
1. cover all electrical parts with aluminum foil
2. spray degreaser to dirty greasy areas
3. wait a few minutes for the chemical to react
4. hose off with water
5. repeat steps 2-4 until engine is grease free
6. dry
7. change the oil in case some degreaser managed to get inside the block coz it will make the oil really thin.

cost without changing oil <$20

foxdonut, Jun 16, 6:12am
There isn't a lot of benefit to cleaning your engine unless you're planning on showing other people. If a simple wipe down doesn't do it you can get an engine bay steam cleaned (go to a proper place that can offer you assurance). Cost will probably be about 1-2 hundy.

Sometimes all the muck, grease and shit that's on the engine is what's holding it together. Do yourself a favour and don't go crazy.

groovebox, Jun 16, 6:16am
Hey thanks for that - I was just curious for the average Joe like me! ("holding it together" - love that!)

Puts a new spin on it when u go to a car show for classic cars and their engines GLEAM!

Thank you.

unclejake, Jun 16, 7:00am
Foxdonut is right. A clean engine doesn't make a great deal of difference, but if you want it to be cleaner and don't want to have it steam cleaned (which is the best option) then a fantastic alternative is a can or two of aerosol Johnson's Multli from your supermarket

Tape a plastic bag over the pipe that looks like it connects to the airfilter, spray the Multi onto a cold engine, leave it for 15 minutes or so, and then hose it off with a low pressure garden hose.

You don't have much risk of driving water into where it doesn't belong with the garden hose and the Multi is fairly cheap.

The results can be awesome, or just OK if the engine has a long term oil leak (or has had a worn drive belt)

petermcg, Jun 17, 4:58am
Hey this is the correct way to do it dont listen to the other guys,, blow down with air is good afterwards, engine is a lot easier to work around , will run cooler, etc

crzyhrse, Jun 17, 5:05am
Unless it's a fire hazard don't bother.

gunhand, Jun 17, 5:12am
I would have thought a dirty grimy engine would retain more heat and therefore robbing power (not that u may notice) as heat is the enemy of power.
And im sure your mechanic would love you for it. Mind you all that grease and grime pay perserve some things as well.

unclejake, Jun 17, 6:02am
You change your oil and cover things with foil every time you clean a motor then!

crzyhrse, Jun 17, 7:09am
Where do you get that from! It's a heat engine.

Perhaps you're forgetting that only really applies (off the top of my head) to air entering the engine because warm air has a lower density. Retaining the heat of the exhaust headers increases power. by ensuring the hot exhaust gases retain their velocity which draws more charge in for the next bang. Hence exhaust wraps.

intrade, Jun 17, 3:52pm
depending on cars you cant wash some cars like vr6 volkswagen have warning sticker in german not to wash or risk serious electronicdamage.

sr2, Jun 17, 4:00pm
I swear by Washworld, make sure you??

nufix72, Jun 17, 6:10pm
Too right to be wrong listen to this trader.

groovebox, Jun 18, 7:00am
@ kazbanz - sorry for delay in checking my orig post - 94 Nissan Cefiro.

As I say I was just curious - it is funny and coincidental I am looking for another car for a friend - and just this morning came across a car he might like - popped the bonnet and it was super sparkly clean. Strange old world.

mk3zephyr, Jun 18, 3:23pm
Found a good cheap degreaser and used a parts cleaning gun running off the compressor to do it. The stuff is called Pullman surface cleaner from Godfreys vacuum cleaner shops, Amber liquid in colour, Sprayed it on the Surf which had years of grime etc around the engine and gearbox and left it for 10 minutes, sprayed it off with my waterblaster and wow it was like new (well maybe not new but you know what i mean), Actually i wished i had taken before and after photo's, was quite impressive. I see they have Barbeque cleaner there as well so i might give that a go next lol

groovebox, Jun 18, 4:35pm
Thanks for that information.

lookoutas, Jun 18, 5:20pm
It feels good to have things the way you want it, so if clean spins ya wheels, then clean it.
Just don't use any of those above mentioned chemicals over concrete, cobble stones or lawn - unless you don't mind sleeping in the shed.

ola_bitchola1, Jun 29, 7:18am
i used the degreaser that comes in a container and put it in a spray bottle then hosed it off did mine at the lockup the other week. unfortunately uj i will still have to clean the oil off the floor at the lockup but its nicer for me to work under